Indebted - Piper Stone Page 0,24

the will was almost too much to bear, but I’d never run scared from anything and I refused to start now.

However, the tears refused to stop falling, drops staining the page, every word read more difficult than the one before.

“I, Luis Toro, do hereby bequeath the following worldly goods to Gabriel Masters: the care and protection of Alessandra Toro...”

I was stunned as I glanced down at the signature, witnessed by Stephen Cantor as well as another name I’d never heard of before. What was even more shocking was the last sentence, the one spelling out what my father had anticipated for this unholy union.

This wasn’t just about the taking of my body as well as my soul.

This wasn’t only about repaying a debt by my work as an indentured servant.

This was about something else entirely, an unholy union forged by the devil himself.

“As determined through contractual means, after a predetermined period of time, Gabriel Masters will enter into a state of holy matrimony.”

“No. No...”

Chapter Six


I’d allowed two full days to pass. Two. Fucking. Days.

The self-control had taken all I’d had, although I’d had enough fires to put out to keep me busy. However, my resolve was cracking.

It had taken every ounce of control not to take her over my desk, sliding my cock into her pretty pink pussy instead of just my fingers. I’d remained disgusted with myself for even thinking something so blasphemous. While she was mine to do with as I pleased, I’d originally had no intention of taking her body until the right time.

A marriage forged in blood and deceit.

Tonight was another story, my hunger too significant.

Toro’s will had been intriguing initially, until I’d read the last few words, the very ones that had made my blood run cold. However, I’d come to terms with the union, although it would be on my terms. She would pay dearly for her father’s sins.

She was a fighter, the reflection of the obscene gesture she’d given me troubling, but I’d been more amused than anything else. It would take significant time to break her. I turned on the volume on the stereo, an attempt to mask the rapid beating of my heart. The two-way mirrors I’d installed were to help observe her behavior, but as I’d watched her climb onto the table for an examination that I’d ordered, I’d been unable to remain in the room.

I squeezed my hands around the steering wheel, the brisk wind from the open windows unable to clear my mind. Fuck me. Her scent remained, covering every inch of skin. No amount of scrubbing had released me from her powerful fragrance.

While she was a beautiful flower, her delicate petals prepared to blossom, I hadn’t prepared myself for the possibility of hungering for her to the point of losing all control.

But the first sight of her had created an urge burning so deep within that I hadn’t been able to get her out of my mind. Even her rebelliousness had been enthralling, keeping my balls tight and my desire close to the surface. The moment my hand had caressed her skin, my fingers brushing across her rounded bottom, I’d almost lost it.

Bringing her to a climax had seemed a necessity, a realization that every privilege would be stripped, earned one at a time. I could tell by the look on her face as she’d been led from the room that she wouldn’t give a shit.

At least not now.

Not until I broke her.

For all the years I’d prided myself in never making a decision based on emotion, I was beginning to think my yearning as well as my need for revenge had altered my way of thinking.

Perhaps forever.

That wasn’t acceptable.

Yet here we were.

I shifted the gears as I rolled around the curve, slowing to a stop as I stared up at the creation of glass and steel. The building itself had been one of the first purchases I’d made after amassing a fortune in almost two years of being sequestered in America. I’d taken pride in what I’d been able to accomplish in such a short period of time, the creation of the branch nothing short of a miracle. Of course, my father had expected I would fail, merely sending me away to try to salvage the family name. I laughed at the thought as I pressed down on the accelerator, rolling the car into the underground garage.

The board meeting wasn’t unusual except that it had been called by the chairman of the board himself instead of Copyright 2016 - 2024