Indebted - Piper Stone Page 0,20

Jefferson’s answer was clipped. “However, this is important.”

Gabriel grumbled under his breath, his anger evident by the hard thump of his feet as he walked further away. “Wait outside.”

Jefferson hesitated, the tension in the room more intense than before.

“Fine. Sir.” The hard slam of the office door produced another angry growl from the man of the house.

I dared to shoot Gabriel a look over my shoulder. The sharpness of his features remained, his jaw clenching, the same stunning good looks deceiving as hell. His glare was still harsh, but in the eyes that once held a vestige of revenge and fury now held a ravaging desire that screamed of his obsession. When he tilted his head, his eyes were even more penetrating. He wasn’t just looking at the woman who’d given away her life. He was planning his next feast.

“Jefferson will lead you through the next phase of your new life, Alessandra. We will talk again where I will further explain the rules. I have business to attend to. You will follow orders, or you will be punished severely. As far as privileges and conveniences, they will be rewarded to you based upon good behavior. You will have the basics at first and nothing more. In a sense, a point system will be used.”

“A point system? Why? Because of my penance?” I spit out the words, unable to stop myself.

He was back to being carefully controlled, only the clenching of his strong jaw allowing me to realize I continued to infuriate him. “My rules. There is no other choice. If you obey, the points may be achieved. But only if I deem it acceptable. You will not want to experience certain aspects of discipline.”

This wasn’t just about penance. This was about his sadistic desires. When he turned away from me, I pumped my hand, giving him my middle finger.

I was ceremoniously being dismissed, the puppet master checking another task off his list.


He’d stated the words as if this was nothing more than a typical business contraction. Another day at the office. I knew at that moment that one day I would have the pleasure of destroying both the man and his empire.

Chapter Five


I could still feel the thickness of his fingers stretching my muscles. I could also hear the coldness in his voice as he’d returned to his work, pretending I didn’t exist. I’d reveled in the tension shared between the two men. There was no love for Gabriel Masters.


Even though the tingling sensations were inescapable, hate had replaced surprise or even anxiety. He would never take advantage of me in that way again.

Jefferson took long strides as he led me away, his actions like a lap dog forced to follow a man’s rules. For money? Clout? He’d barely looked at me more than once after receiving his orders. I couldn’t imagine the man was happy.

“How long have you worked for him?” I asked, wincing as the tight jeans shifted back and forth across my bruised bottom. Follow orders. The words continued to haunt me.

Jefferson was even more stoic as he led me through another wing of the expansive estate. While I’d seen a few workers, including landscapers, there appeared to be no one else who lived in the house. Was Gabriel’s ego so magnified that he needed expensive toys? When he said nothing, I pressed him.

“I feel sorry for you, Jefferson. Mr. Masters doesn’t seem to be an enjoyable human being on any level. I hope he pays you extremely well for being treated like a piece of trash.”

Stopping short, he turned to face me, his expression as stifling as his eyes. “I am not here to be your friend, Ms. Toro. I have a job to do, one that I am very good at and one I intend on keeping. I will guide you only to a point, then you will be entirely in Mr. Masters’ hands. I assure you that you need to listen to what you are told and follow through with the direction you are given. That is my best advice and one I hope you won’t take lightly.”

“That sounds very much like a threat. Did he tell you to do that or does it come naturally for you after working under his thumb?”

A smirk shifted across his face, his eyes flashing a level of anger I wasn’t certain he was capable of. I’d touched a nerve. “Take it for what you will. Please follow me. I would hate to be forced to give Mr. Copyright 2016 - 2024