Indebted - Piper Stone Page 0,2

one was going to take it away from me again.

Perhaps I’d deserved both the harsh surroundings and the daily interrogations, one detective after another insisting that I was nothing but a monster. Was I partially responsible?

I no longer knew the answer, time holding no place in my world. Days had turned into nights, the evolution of nightmares impossible to describe.

I’d learned a thing or two about monsters in the last few weeks. They didn’t always come in blood-coated packages, wielding a steel blade or a gun with unlimited ammunition clips. There were some who were more sophisticated, their weapons of choice charisma and influence.

And dark sensuality, the kind luring you into a passionate embrace, pleasure unlike anything experienced before.

While both were equally frightening, a beast who knew how to thwart the system, using the power of money and the stroke of a pen to gain exactly what he desired was even more terrifying.

But I’d forgiven him for sweeping me into his world, accepting my place as his prize.

Somehow, I’d caught the eye of the devil himself, a man so sophisticated and beautiful that I’d been drawn into his toxic web. I’d thought I was a fighter, refusing to allow anyone to break me.

No matter how commanding they were or if their husky voice created a wave of longing I’d never experienced before, I would not surrender.

To be taken.



But I’d been wrong.

My pussy tingled at the thought alone, betraying me once again as it had from almost the beginning.


As it had that very morning, only hours before when he’d come to me, ordering me onto my knees as he stood in front of the window in order to savor the morning sun. I’d watched as his eyes filled with wonder even as I sucked his glorious cock, squeezing his balls in my fingers.

He’d changed as much as I had, his entire world turned upside down from our connection. There was no turning back, no way of stopping the clock.

I fisted my hands, ignoring the sensations as butterflies pooled in my stomach. I wanted to cry, to scream out, but I wouldn’t.

Once upon a time I’d been important. To my family. To my friends. To myself.

Then I’d miscalculated my importance, allowing my guard to fall. That would never happen again. I would never trust anyone outside of my little world.

I was just a thing, a prized possession.

Correction. I was his possession, a toy to be punished as necessary for all my sins.

He’d been right. I deserved to pay the price, to accept my penance.

But he’d been forced to accept love.

While the six by six concrete box had been replaced with a room with a view, I’d been just as much as prisoner as I had before. Only this time, I thought there was no way out. Closing my eyes, I fingered the beautiful diamond, a symbol of our love. Forever meant a golden ring and a new name. Yet there was still a chance my new world would be taken away once again.

No. No. No.

I had to do this. I had to make everything right. I was the only one who could change destiny.

I took a quick glance at the door, knowing soon I’d hear the snap of the lock, the creak of the beautiful wood. There was little time left, the decision not one I’d made lightly, but there was no other choice.

Not if I wanted to keep what was left of my sanity.

The soft comforter had been gifted, a privilege for being a good girl. The vibrantly upholstered chair positioned so the early morning light would cascade across the soft cushions had been another. All for obedience. For my acceptance of my place.

For allowing myself to adore a beast.

I’d earned them, as well as other trinkets and clothing, books and jewelry, but this could never be my home.

The room was filled with beautiful possessions: the draperies sent all the way from Italy, the bookshelves hand carved from artisans and filled with my favorite books, and the insanely gorgeous rug one I’d seen on the pages of a magazine. He’d spared no expense to make me happy, pretending that our relationship was anything but unholy.

I’d been a part of his world, discovering the beauty of his estate, indulging in fine wines and expensive foods. Yet this wasn’t home.

This was just make believe, a decision forced on me by my father.

Then why did I enjoy every moment of being near him?

I moved slowly to the rear of the chair, dropping ever so Copyright 2016 - 2024