Indebted - Piper Stone Page 0,14

knew they were important to say.

Even though he softened, a certain level of tension easing from his body, there was no doubt I’d failed one of his tests. He acted as if he couldn’t care less whether or not I was innocent.

“Allow me to explain a few things to you, Alessandra.”

Each time he said my name, the inflections were entirely different, and I loathed every one of them. He was dressed impeccably, a crisp white shirt, cufflinks adorning his sleeves. While the shirt was open at the neck, I could easily envision him with an expensive silk tie, although I doubted he would ever consider patterns acceptable. Not for his personal attire. His trousers were sleek and black, much like his angry mood, the soft material flattering his muscular legs.

“Good. You know when to hold your tongue. Perhaps you can be trained.” He moved to the other side of his desk, still keeping a portion of his face in the shadows, but I was able to catch a glimpse of his icy blue eyes as they bore into mine. “As stated on the contract, I am Gabriel Masters. Upon agreeing to the terms, you became my employee. As you might imagine, there are rules that must be followed. If they are broken, there will be harsh punishment issued. I do not tolerate liars and escape is not an option. Do you understand?”

My mouth was dry, but I managed to croak out the appropriate answer. “Yes.”

“You will be given room and board at my home and eventually, you will work very closely by my side, much like your father did. I am aware of your excellent work performed while in college. You will fit in nicely within my company; however, the preparation needed for you to prosper will take some time. How much is entirely up to you. Make no mistake. I am a harsh taskmaster and you will be diligently trained.”

The thin veil of seduction had been removed, the reality of what I was facing creeping in.

My entire world had been taken over. There were so many questions, fears racing through every portion of my brain. “I... I thoroughly understand the terms of a contract, but what you haven’t answered is why select me? You don’t know me at all.” Was this some random act of twisted kindness where he could mold a destitute prisoner into the perfect employee?

“That is where you are wrong, Alessandra. I do know exactly who and what you are. I also valued your father as an employee for years. Sadly, he betrayed me but to his credit, he found a credible way to repay his debt. Your employment will be an excellent start.” His fingertips were spread out on the desk, the tension obvious by his white knuckles.

All the words were starting to run together, nothing making any sense. A start? What the hell else did he expect from me? I found it difficult to believe my father would risk everything and betray him. “I don’t understand.” Had my father been protecting me or merely attempting to shelter me from the truth? My mind ached as much as my heart, the loss of my father significant. I didn’t want to believe he could be involved in anything unscrupulous.

Mr. Masters studied me again, perhaps weighing whether I deserved to know the truth.

“Your father made the egregious mistake of stealing from me, which in my mind is a sin worse than attempting to end someone’s life. I am not a man to be crossed in any way. That is something your father was well aware of. As I said, fortunately his method of repayment was deemed acceptable. The contract you signed sealed it in place.”

“Payment. I’m that payment. My God, you’re a sick man. I don’t deserve any of this. What did he steal from you? Money? Property? What was so damn precious to you that you want to strip me of my life?”

As he lifted a single eyebrow, I could swear he was undressing me with his eyes. “Perhaps at some time I will feel comfortable explaining exactly what occurred. At this point, the only thing that does matter is that you begin to understand your position.”

I was nervous, shifting from foot to foot, my anger increasing. Why the hell wasn’t he telling me everything? How could this even be legal? You’re only going to work for him. My instinct told me differently. This was no normal arrangement.

“In addition to becoming your employer, I am also Copyright 2016 - 2024