Incipient A Dark Paranormal Romance - Bianca Scardoni Page 0,25

was a shiny new plan brewing in his eyes and it looked positively wicked.

I tapped my finger on my chin and thought about it for a moment. I needed to throw him a hardball if for no other reason than to make sure he removed a proper piece of clothing so that I wasn’t the only sitting in my underpants anymore. “I dare you videotape yourself humping the table like a dog and then post it on your social media.” I grinned stupidly because there was no way in hell he was going to do that.

He picked up his phone from the night table and stood up just as my jaw unhinged.

“WHAT?! You have got to be kidding me. There’s no way you’re doing that,” I shrieked incredulously.

“Correct.” Winking playfully, he tossed his phone back onto the table, picked up the shot glass and downed it.

I laughed because he had me going for a hot second, but my laughter quickly died off at the back of my throat as he grabbed the back of his t-shirt and pulled it up over his head, revealing the kind of six pack that wet dreams were made of.

Holy Reaper babies all over the damn place!

I bit down on my lip to keep an excited giggle from bubbling out as I quietly imagined myself running my fingers over his bumps and ridges, tracing his muscles like they’d been carved solely for my viewing pleasure. Obviously, I wasn’t going to do that—I wasn’t a total weirdo—but damn, I really, really wanted to.

Peering a little more closely, I noticed he looked a little thicker and more defined since the last time I’d seen him shirtless. I imagined he’d been working out a lot more. Yeah. I was imagining a lot of things…

“I take it you like what you see?” he asked lowly, his mouth curving up into a cocky grin.

“Huh?” My cheeks immediately burned hot. What the heck had I been doing just then to make him ask me that? Was I grinning stupidly again? Drooling? I quickly licked my lips to make sure no excess saliva was dripping from them. Everything seemed in order, so I just crossed my arms and rolled my eyes, deciding to play it coy. “Whatever, Trace. You know you look good.”

“So that’s a yes then?” he verified and then retook his seat, his gaze smoldering as he refilled the shot glass.

“It’s your turn,” I said, expertly dodging his question. I was so not going there with him, regardless of whatever the heck my face had been doing.

He smiled, his dimples flexing as though he’d just won that round. I supposed if I was being completely honest with myself, he sort of did. “Truth or dare?” he asked.

I thought about it for a quick second. I couldn’t really go for a dare anymore since I literally had no more pieces of clothing to remove. Well, none that would keep me decent. “Truth. And you can’t repeat questions,” I reminded him, just in case he tried playing dirty with me.

Pushing back in his chair, he swiveled it from side to side and then wet his lips. “Did we ever have sex?”

Bloody fucking hell. I immediately felt the heat that had congregated in my cheeks spread all the way down to my chest. Frankly, my whole body felt like it was roasting on the hot seat.

The man was in it to win it.

“No, we never…had sex,” I answered, barely able to finish the sentence without blushing profusely.

He nodded his head. “Good to know.” I couldn’t help but notice the slight frown on his face, though. After a quiet pause, he added, “I guess that’s a good thing.”

My head jerked back. “Not having sex with me is a good thing?” I couldn’t help but feel offended by that. He’d been eyeing me like the jackpot all night and suddenly, he didn’t want to sleep with me?

He smirked, setting off his left dimple. “That’s definitely not what I said,” he objected as the heated look returned to his eyes with a vengeance. “I just meant I’m glad that wasn’t something I’d forgotten.”

“Right.” Duh. Because of the “amnesia”. “Sorry.”

“Why? You didn’t do it?” He meant it as a joke, but it hit a little too close to home. It didn’t really matter which way I spun it to myself; I was the one that did this to him. My hands were just as dirty as Nikki’s. Maybe even more so.

My shoulders slumped as a weighty sadness Copyright 2016 - 2024