Incipient A Dark Paranormal Romance - Bianca Scardoni Page 0,14

I heard Trace’s distorted voice through the bathroom door.

Dominic’s hand was still gripping my jaw firmly, but my mouth was free to speak openly. The bastard knew I wouldn’t call out for help. For one, I would never involve Trace in this and risk getting him hurt, and for two, he knew how much I couldn’t resist the things he was doing to me. Sick as it was, I was a willing captive, through and through.

“Yes, I…just need another minute,” I said, doing my best to keep my voice steady even though I was quickly broaching the edge of that primordial cliff already.

As if knowing I was close, Dominic increased his speed as he grinned wickedly at me through the mirror and then sunk his teeth into my neck without sound or warning.

My body tensed up before relaxing into his hold, into the familiar mix of pain and pleasure, as he fed off me slowly…deliberately as if to show me how in control of this he actually was.

Flutters and heat filled my insides, pulsing through my body and building like a slow-moving tidal wave as he continued to work that sacred place only he had ventured. Every muscle in my body tightened, preparing itself for that sweet release, and then suddenly, he stopped, taking with him the peak I was so close to reaching.

I groaned my dissatisfaction, but he promptly covered my mouth again before I could vocalize it.

Through the mirror, I watched as he drew his mouth away from my neck and smiled, his teeth red with blood before plunging into me again, harder this time as his other hand returned to my core and started its movement all over again.

My knees weakened as he continued to feed from me, his venom coating every ounce of fight I had inside and turning it into submission. His fingers picked up speed, touching me as though he knew every button to push, and then the feeling was back, stronger than before, ready to throw me off that cliff and freefall into the ocean.

And again, he stopped.

“Fuck!” I cried out against the hand covering my mouth.

“What’s that?” asked Trace, sounding as though he were closer to the door now.

Dominic slid his hand away from my mouth and down to my breast.

“Nothing,” I said, panting as his other hand started up yet again. “Dropped my phone.”

There was a brief pause. “Okay.”

Was he suspicious? Did I sound like myself? I could barely think about it long enough to care.

Within seconds, I was right back on that cliff, running like a wild animal towards the edge, desperate to swan-dive off of it before he could take it all away again. And once again, I failed to reach the drop. The fucker was playing with me, dangling a carrot in front of my face and then yanking it away before I reach out and grab it.

This time though, I didn’t have enough energy to groan out my frustration. The blood loss, while still tantalizing, was also substantial now. I was drifting back to that place I had been so many times before, receding into the dark corners of my conscious that longed only to stay within the shadows, forever lost to the pleasure of his bite. I was walking that thin line between breath and death again, and it was a horrible place to live, but I couldn’t seem to give a shit.

All I could think about was his fingers touching me again, moving faster than humanely possible, tauntingly bringing me back to the edge as he punished me for loving him, for making him feel things a damned soul should never be made to feel.

He held all the power in his hands. In his bite. And he who giveth could also taketh away. And he was sure as hell taking it away, over and over again. I was hopelessly at his mercy and the sane part of me hated every second of it. The sane part of me wished I’d never met him in the first place.

But that part of me was too small and insignificant to be able to make any kind of a difference. Not after everything I’d been through. Everything I’d seen and done. Everything this man had made me feel.

“Please,” I begged, my last-ditch effort to plead my way across the finish line, and again, he mercilessly denied me.

Blurry dots peppered my vision as I watched him grin at me through the mirror. He was enjoying every minute of the agony Copyright 2016 - 2024