Incipient A Dark Paranormal Romance - Bianca Scardoni Page 0,115

friends and not the end of the line for him.

I followed the boys down the hallway and into the den, where I knew Dominic would be. And just like I’d imagined him, he was standing by the mantel, a lively fire blazing behind him and a drink in his hand. What I hadn’t pictured was Pricilla flanking his side or the two vampire-twins that were keeping guard over my bound and gagged sister.

My body bristled with rage as I took in the bruises and cuts all over her face. “What the fuck did you do to her?” I shouted as I pushed forward between Trace and Gabriel.

“That wasn’t my doing, angel. The twins got a little carried away.”

My gaze darted to the two bald-headed morons looming over my sister’s body. “You’re both going to pay for that.”

“If I were you, I would think twice before you do something stupid,” said Pricilla, drawing my glowering eyes back to her. “You’re in no position to make threats, Slayer.”

“If I were you, I would look into getting a new outfit,” I shot back, being that she was literally wearing the same clichéd leather outfit as the first day I met her.

Laughter twittered out of her. “You’re going to school me on fashion?” she asked, her gaze flicking down my persons as her lips puckered like she’d just eaten a lemon. “Wearing that?”

At her mention of my outfit, Dominic’s gaze moved over me appreciatively as he took a long sip of his drink.

Seeing an opening to ruffle her feathers, I stared back at him and smiled, making sure Pricilla saw what I was doing. And what he was looking at. “What do you think, Dominic? You think I look cute?” I asked as I slowly turned around, letting him have himself a good, hard look.

A growl sounded at the back of Pricilla’s throat as she took an aggressive step toward me.

I responded with laughter, knowing I had gotten under her skin.

“I wouldn’t wake the beast, angel,” warned Dominic, swirling his drink around his glass. “Her claws are much sharper than they look.”

“Thanks for the tip. Now here a little tidbit for you,” I said as I narrowed my eyes at him. “Call dumbledee and dumble dum off my sister and let her go before I actually get mad.”

He smirked. “Does that mean you’re ready to give up the Amulet?”


“Then what’s in it for me, angel lips?”

“Oh, I don’t know. The chance to leave town in one piece,” I offered as Gabriel took a step toward Tessa. We both knew he wasn’t going to go for it, but it was worth a try.

“Now, why would I want to do that, hm? Think of how boring it will be around here without me. Just you and Amnesia Boy living a lie together,” he said as Ben and Trace also shifted forward. “For goodness sake, angel. He couldn’t even remember who you were or what you did to him.”

“Shut the hell up, Dominic.”

“Ah.” He looked at me knowingly and then smirked at Trace. “She still hasn’t told you, has she?”

“Told me what?” asked Trace as he stepped up beside me.

“Nothing,” I said and then glared at Dominic. If he even so much as opened his mouth, I was going to gouge his eyeballs out of his head and then feed them to him.

“That you were Lucifer’s vessel and she killed you because of it,” blurted Pricilla. Her red lips twisted into a vicious grin, and my vision bled red with her blood.

All of the rage and hatred and resentment I had for her busted out of me like a bomb as I kicked off the ground and launched at her, smashing her back into the mantel and then twisting her around to slam her down against the floor.

Ben shifted beside us and went for one of the vampire twins as Gabriel lunged for the other. I didn’t need to look behind me to know that Trace and Dominic were pounding their fists into each other’s faces.

Pricilla’s fangs clicked out as she smashed her bony fist into my face. Blood splattered from my mouth, shooting sideways as the impact rocked my head to the side. Before I could recover, she threw another fist at me, though I threw out my hand and blocked it, sure that it would have shattered my nose had she landed the hit.

Clutching her head, I lifted it off the ground and then slammed it back down against the unforgiving marble, reveling in the Copyright 2016 - 2024