Imprisoned Gods - G. Bailey Page 0,55

ravens in looks with their long noses and black hair. When they aren’t staring forlornly out of the cell bars, they spend all their time playing with fire in their hands. It’s become obvious to me that they aren’t powerful enough to do more than make a small flame or two, which I suppose is a good thing, considering we’re stuck with them in a confined space. That said, I’m certainly not going to let my guard down just because they seem harmless enough - after all, look at what they did to Jade.

"We have incoming," I tell her, offering her a hand to help her stand up. She slides her hand in mine, getting up like the graceful cat she is. I couldn't do that for shit - I’m arguably the clumsiest person in the world, and that’s when I’m not drunk. I turn around and walk to the door, crossing my arms as Killian, Seth and Jade choose to stand behind me. It’s strange - they suddenly seem to be looking at me like they’re expecting me to be the decisive one, here. I don’t know when I suddenly became the de facto leader of this little ragtag group, and I don’t appreciate having even more responsibility dumped on me, but now isn’t the time to argue about it. I try to keep my expression neutral, not wanting to betray the fear I’m feeling inside as Storm and a few of his followers walk down the hallway towards us. I keep my gaze fixed on him, standing tall and reminding myself to do what Peyton would do. Storm pauses right in front of the cage, unnerving me with how close he decides to stand. As much as I try to resist the urge to look at his body, I can’t help but notice once again how bloody attractive he is. He’s dressed in similar clothes to yesterday, but he looks more cleaned up than before.

"Karma," he purrs my name, letting it roll off his tongue like he’s tasting a fine wine. A shiver goes up my back at the sound of his seductive voice, and I fight off a sudden wave of panic. Holy gods, this isn't the time to finally find a guy I'm attracted to. It's bad enough the justice twins are too attractive for their own good. Now I have three hotties to stare at. Mads would be laughing if she were here right now.

Oh, Mads, I think, wondering what she’s doing right now, if she’s okay. She’s probably worried sick about me. All I can do is hope that Peyton is keeping her in the loop… and protecting her from whatever forces are trying to take me down.

“Did you sleep well?” Storm asks, tilting his head a little to one side, his bright eyes holding mine in a hypnotic gaze.

"Enough with the pleasantries,” I tell him. “What is the test?" I cross my arms over my chest and make it clear I'm not the slightest bit impressed by his sexy tone. Or him. Nope, not one little bit. Okay, maybe a little bit, but he doesn't need to know that. He’s the one who’s keeping us in here, after all, and besides, I'm sure a guy like him has women throwing themselves his way all day long.

"You're about to find out, aren't you?" he replies, and a chuckle leaves his lips like this is all one big joke to him. Why are the pretty ones always assholes? I only roll my eyes at him as he clicks his fingers, and two men with sharp looking horns sticking out of their heads run to the cage door and undo the lock.

"One at a time,” Storm warns, taking a step away from the cage as his henchmen pull open the door. “This test is not a group activity. So,” he continues, his eyes settling back on us as his cronies move aside. “Who is going to be the brave one and go first?" I glance back at the others, and we exchange a questioning look. Seth takes a deep breath and goes to step forward, but I beat him to it, jumping out of the door, which one of the horn guys slams shut behind me. Maybe it’s a stupid thing to do, but I want this test over with, whatever it is. This could be my chance to prove to Storm that his scare tactics aren’t going to work on me.

"I will," I say, keeping Copyright 2016 - 2024