Imprisoned Gods - G. Bailey Page 0,53

to be in here. I just had to kick their asses for trying to hurt me.” She shrugs, turning back to me. “I was keeping them alive just in case I needed to throw them at our captors before escaping.”

I chuckle and wink at her. She thinks just like me. Kind of. I mean, Jade is clearly more badass than I am, because I’d hide behind the guys instead. Still, we could be friends, and it would help to have a cat goddess on my side. They’re fast, agile, and armed with claws, teeth, and heightened senses. Besides, if we have any hope of getting out of here, we’re going to need all the help we can get.

"Well, you got two out of four right,” I tell Killian. “I mean that would be okay if your job wasn’t handing out life sentences.” I raise an eyebrow in Killian’s direction, and he mutters something under his breath. That comment seems to have gotten to him, and his shoulders slump as he goes to sit by his brother. I choose a spot in the middle of the cage with my back against the wall as I drop down onto the ground, pulling off my bag. At least I’ve still got the food Mum packed for me… although who knows how long it will last in this place?

Jade hesitates for a moment, and then comes and sits next to me, leaning back against the bars and looking at me in the darkness with her catlike eyes. I eye her for a moment, deciding that teaming up with her in this test might be a good idea.

"Any food in that bag of yours?” she asks. “They haven't given us anything but slush in a bowl since we got here. I mean, you don’t have to share, but I’d really appreciate it.”

"I have a jar of peanut butter I could share," I tell her reluctantly, because I really don't want to share it. But still, I’m here to make friends, not enemies… even if that means giving up my most prized possession. Thankfully, I needn’t have worried; Jade screws up her face in disgust and shakes her head.

"Never mind, that is worse than nothing," she says, shaking her head.

"You're crazy," I say, pulling my bag open and staring longingly down at the jar of peanut butter. Better to wait, I tell myself, as painful as it is. You’re going to want that soon, and you don’t want to waste it all in one go. Reluctantly I look away from the peanut butter, my eyes settling on Jade. Her shirt is ripped up the middle, and she’s managed to tie it together awkwardly in the front… although I can’t imagine it could be comfortable. I carefully shove my hand in my bag and pull out a shirt before closing it up again. I look up to see Jade staring at me like I’ve lost my mind…which to be honest, could be an option right about now.

"What was that?" she asks.

"Oh, I have a goblin in there called Kit, and he likes to bite. Anyways, you can have this shirt if you want, we look near enough the same size," I say, offering her the top.

Jade looks at me gratefully. “"Thanks,” she says. “Those bastards over there are fire gods, and beating their asses cost me half this shirt. A shame, too - it was one of my favorite ones.” She accepts the top from me and pulls it on over her other shirt. She must be crazier than I am, if she’s willing to take on fire gods. They’re notorious, and not just for their hot tempers - anyone with control of the elements is a force to be reckoned with, and I can’t imagine being trapped in a cell with a couple of elementals who want to hurt me. How she managed to survive this long, I have no idea.

Jade pulls her long hair out of her top and lets it cascade over her shoulders before resting back, her eyes darting between the twins and the fire gods. “Well,” she says, her tone resigned, "we are surrounded by assholes. Gods help us."

"I don't like the twins, but I think they were just doing their job, and I get that,” I tell her. “I'm a karma goddess, and I have to deliver karma to whomever I'm sent to. Sometimes it's hard to see past the job and make your own judgment. I have no idea why Copyright 2016 - 2024