Imperfectly Delicious (Imperfect Series #6) - Mary Frame Page 0,65

the Frosted Forest, an icy valley full of penguins and polar bears, and through a colorful mushroom forest.

The whole time, I’m trying to focus on the displays, but Guy is touching me. My arm in his elbow, his other hand playing with my fingertips. Or, his hand on my back. Once, he tugs me behind an LED-lit tree to kiss the side of my neck. He’s waging a war, but there are no casualties, only an onslaught of tender moments.

I’m about ready to traumatize some small children if he doesn’t stop or get us out of here.

“Do you want to see the Sweet Dream and Candy Station?” he asks, pointing down the last section of lights.

“I would rather be alone.”

He frowns and I realize how the words sounded.

“I mean, not alone, by myself. Alone with you.” I wince. “I’m ruining the moment, aren’t I?”

He chuckles and pulls me closer, his eyes dropping to my mouth.

“We could be alone,” I say, the words coming out in a rush. “I have an empty apartment. Just don’t judge my dirty dishes. I’ve been experimenting with flavors.”

His eyes search mine intently and then the corner of his mouth tips up. “I’ll call the car. Then I’ll have to call Clara.” He gives me a gentle tug and I follow him back down the path, toward the exit.

“Oh, will you have to go home soon?” I ask.

I get it, but…I’m simultaneously disappointed and understanding, an odd mix when it’s also combined with the insatiable need to get him undressed as soon as possible and touch his naked body as much as I can for the foreseeable future.

He stops and faces me, the white glow of nearby lights flickering over his features, outlining his jaw, shadowed in stubble. “I hope it’s not too presumptuous, but I already asked her to stay overnight with the girls. I just have to call and let her know.”

I’m already shaking my head. “Not presumptuous. Smart. Wonderful. Welcome.” I lean into him, pressing kisses to his lips, then cheek, then the prickliness of his jaw.

He tilts his face down to mine so our foreheads are touching. “I have to leave by eight tomorrow morning.”

“That’s fine, I have to get up early anyway.” I lean in again, wanting more right now and he stops me.

His hands cup my face. “I want to make sure you understand this is not just about getting my rocks off and sneaking out in the morning. I’ve never been the kind of person who can do that, or thought the act was insignificant. I know we sort of already agreed to be exclusive, and I meant it.”

“So,” I bite my lip, “You’re saying you’re a serial monogamist?”

He nods. “If I’m with you, it’s only you.”

I’m stunned for a minute because with all my bad dates and past boyfriends, none of them ever talked like this. This is what I’ve always wanted. I never thought I would find someone who felt like me. But here he is.

I slide a hand up his chest to his jaw. “How fast can your driver get us back to my place?”

I swallow and his eyes track the movement. His brows lift and a grin tugs at his mouth. “Really? All this talk of monogamy is turning you on?”

“You have no idea.”

He leans in to whisper in my ear, “Exclusivity, commitment, stability . . .”

My hand clenches on his arm. “Stop or I won’t be able to wait.”

The sound of his laughter is both satisfying and arousing.

Chapter Nineteen

My weaknesses have always been food and men—in that order.

–Dolly Parton


I have to willfully pry Scarlett’s hand from my leg and hold it tightly in mine because if she keeps touching me, I won’t make it to her apartment and I want to get her in a bed, finally.

The ride is silent but buzzing with unspoken anticipation.

Her apartment is a small place in Washington Heights. It’s not the best neighborhood, but it’s not the worst. At least her building has a front door that locks.

The elevator is broken and we have to take the stairs to the third floor. Walking up the steps behind her is a true exercise in restraint because her jeans hug her form, revealing the shape of her thighs and calves. Calves. I’m turned on by calves. Heaven forbid she reveal an ankle, I might lose my mind.

My already-stretched patience snaps somewhere in the second-floor stairwell and I grab her and push her against the wall, covering her mouth with mine.

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