Imperfectly Delicious (Imperfect Series #6) - Mary Frame Page 0,31

to start right now. I glance between them, half uncomfortable and half jealous, but then Bethany closes her computer with a quick movement and sets it on the table. “Are you ready for ladies’ night?” Her voice is too loud. “I got pizza from Bleeker Street!”

“Pizza?” Brent’s eyes lighten.

Bethany stands up, coming over to where we’re still lingering near the doorway.

“Pizza isn’t for you. When are you leaving?” she asks Brent.

Brent crosses his arms over his wide chest. “Do I have to leave? I could be a lady.”

Brent is six foot five and two hundred pounds of pure muscle. Despite having heart surgery seven months ago, he’s still built like a Greek god. A god of muscles and chiseled good looks.

“Please don’t. I love you just the way you are.”

“Aw that was sweet and not sarcastic or ridiculous.” He frowns at her. “Are you acting opposite of normal because you’re being held hostage?” He glances over at me with fake worry.

“Ha ha,” Bethany says. “I’m always sweet, dammit. Now get the hell out of here. Your dad is waiting.”

“That’s the problem,” he grumbles, but he doesn’t resist when she pushes him toward the door. He leans in to kiss her which makes her growl and push harder. But then she smiles, and they disappear through the doorway for a minute and I’m glad they did because I do not want to see them making out. Hearing it is quite enough for a good thirty seconds while I stew in my own pea-green envy.

“See ya, Scarlett,” Brent calls from down the hall and then the door shuts and Bethany reappears.

“Sorry about that,” she says. “He’s just being cute. Are you hungry? I’m starving.”

“I can always eat, unfortunately.” I follow her into the kitchen.

She pulls wine glasses down from the cupboard and sets them on the gleaming granite countertop. “What was up with the condom talk with Reese?”

I grimace. “It started because we were talking about Christmas. Her new boyfriend is going to be there.”

“Christmas with the family. That’s a big deal.” She pours wine and then hands me a glass.

I nod. “His parents moved away from Blue Falls, and apparently Granny has taken him in. Along with a few other stragglers from around town for the holidays, and all the rest of the year, I guess.”

“Aw that’s sweet! Your granny sounds really nice.”

I snort. “Sometimes.”

“Are you excited to go back home for Christmas? It’s been a while, right?”

“Yeah, almost two years.” I can’t believe I’ve been away that long. Talking to Reese on the phone is always kind of hard—it makes me homesick and I feel disconnected from her. “Reese sounds so different, older, more mature, I feel like I’ve missed out on a big part of her life.”

Bethany reaches across the counter and pats my hand. “It’s important to let people live their lives and grow up—sometimes the best thing you can do is let someone fly on their own.”

“Yeah, I know. But sex! She’s talking about sex! When she was sixteen, I had to beg her to attend high school. She couldn’t talk to boys, let alone consider sleeping with them. It really wasn’t that long ago.”

“She’s how old, nineteen?”

I nod and take a sip of my wine. “Nearly twenty, but I can’t help but think of her like a child, still. Or at least childlike. Thankfully they haven’t,” I lower my voice, “done it, yet, but it sounds like it’s not for lack of trying on her part.”

Bethany’s brows lift.

“He wants to wait until she’s ready. Well, she’s sure she’s past ready and onto annoyed, but can’t convince him of it.”

She grins. “He sounds fun. She should trap him somehow. Maybe kidnap him. Send him on a quest but at the end it’s sexy times.”

I roll my eyes. “I’ll suggest that to her next time we talk.” I absolutely won’t.

Bethany pulls the pizza out of the oven and we take plates out to the living room.

“How’s work going?” I ask when we’re seated comfortably on the sofa.

“It’s good. Busy, challenging, but I sort of love it. Oh, I meant to tell you about what I found on your Guy.”

I almost choke on my pizza. “You mean Guy Chapman? He’s not my guy.”

She waves a hand in the air. “You know what I mean.”

“I do not know what you are referring to.”

“Whatever, lady. Listen, I don’t care if you want to do the hottie. Lord knows, I’ve been there. There’s no judgment here. I love you no matter who Copyright 2016 - 2024