Immortal Hearts Page 0,69


He paused. "We had some in back last time I looked," he said. "Let's go check."

I felt like a ray of moonlight hit me. We followed him into the stockroom, and he searched through men's clothes and a few women's winter dresses.

"Ah yes," he said. "Is this what you are looking for?" He held up a Snow White dress.

"Well, not exactly." It was pretty but not what I had in mind. And I hadn't imagined puffy sleeves, and I didn't have time to dye the entire dress black.

"We have more," he said, showing us an area of unsold costumes. "Feel free to sift through." As I smiled at Jack, I recalled that time when I'd helped him sneak into the Mansion, as I'd done so many times myself, and how far I'd come since then. Not only was I dating the vampire who had since moved into the Mansion, but I was on my way to becoming one myself.

I'd assisted Jack with his mission and, unknowingly, he was doing the same for me.

I was hoping to find a dress here, like I had done before for a dance. But this one was for an even more important occasion, a truly magical night that would change everything - would change me. Jack didn't know this, but the next time I saw him, I might indeed be a vampire.

"Whatever you find," he said with a twinkle in his eye, "I know you'll look beautiful."

"Thank you so much," I said sincerely. I was truly touched by his compliment; it meant the world to me. I raced over and gave him a warm embrace.

Jack was paged from the front of the store and gave us a quick wink good-bye.

Becky and I whisked through the stacks of costumes, hoping one would fill my ultimate desired covenant dress and be the right size.

"How about this?" Becky pulled out a blood-red dress, but it was at least three sizes too big.

"That one is better. But I'll have to cut it off and take in most of it."

I perused a rack of hanging costumes. But one by one, each was something other than what I needed.

"What do you think of this one, then?" Becky asked excitedly. I looked up, hopeful. She held up a tattered, bloody prom dress, one a ghost girl would wear.

Perfect for Halloween but not for my idea of a covenant ceremony.

"I do think it's cool, but it's white and red. And I'm not sure it's the right mood. Even for me," I lamented.

"I guess not."

"I don't know what I'm going to do," I said. I only had one day.

Then I spotted a dress hanging alone at the end of the rack.

I was deflated from not finding the perfect dress, but I decided to check it out. The closer I got to it, the more hopeful I became. I reached for it and held it out to the light. It was an off-the-shoulder black lace dress, with pearl buttons decorating the middle of the corset like dewdrops. It came with black lace gloves and a small lace bolero.

"I love this," I said, melting.

"It's so you!"

"I could wear this if I get cold." I modeled the bolero.

"It's gorgeous," Becky cooed.

"I hope it fits," I said, holding it up to me.

"I'm sure it will."

"I'm not going to be able to eat, anyway," I told her. "I'm too excited."

Becky examined it as I held it against me. It looked like a perfect fit.

"That dress was waiting for you - just like Alexander," she said.

We both jumped up and down and squealed with delight until a saleslady came in and told us to calm down.

Chapter 21 Vampire Kisses

I awoke with a start with bats fluttering in my stomach. It was the day of the covenant ceremony - the day I'd always dreamed of. I had barely slept the night before and I knew my eyelids must have been droopy. I splashed water on them to try to revive my face. I drank my coffee and paid pleasantries to my family. But I couldn't even call Alexander. I knew he was lying in his coffin - like I would be only a day from now. My life would finally be different.

I called Becky and she tried to calm my nerves. I paced and watched the clock. When would the sun set? Why was it taking so long? I decided to try to enjoy my last hours of sunlight and hung outside on our swing, soaking in my last few Copyright 2016 - 2024