Immortal Hearts Page 0,65

I were in a movie. Time seemed to stand still. A vampire - the most gorgeous and mysterious one in all the world - was asking me to be his vampire mate for all of eternity. I was still at a loss for words.

"Have you changed your mind?" he asked, suddenly concerned.

"No!" I exclaimed. "I just can't believe this is really happening. Is this a dream?" I asked.

"No!" I exclaimed. "I just can't believe this is really happening. Is this a dream?" I asked.

"If it is," he said with a sweet grin, "then I'm having the same dream."

I was overcome with delight.

"So what is your answer?" he asked. "I don't think I can wait forever for that. The suspense is killing me."

"Of course!" I burst out, and hugged him with all my might. "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

As we embraced, the pain of our fight escaped my body and the excitement of his proposal began running through it.

"I don't want you to be afraid," he said. "If you want to change your mind - at any point - I will understand."

"How could I be afraid?" I wondered.

"I'm a vampire, remember. And you'd be one as well."

The thought of my really becoming a vampire sent more chills through me. "I'm not afraid of you, or of becoming like you," I said. "Not now, nor will I ever be. This is what I've always wanted."

He smiled another gorgeous smile. We stared at each other, then he drew me in to him again and kissed me long. My knees were weak, but my heart raced and I was dizzy.

"Are we going to do it now?" I asked excitedly. I didn't want to lose this moment by putting it off, but since I'd envisioned being turned by him so many times, I wasn't sure if I needed more preparation for the actual event. "I imagined wearing a pretty dress ... not looking like a slug. But I a se="3can do it now if you want."

"We don't have to do it tonight," he said, guiding my dampened hair away from my face. "We can wait as long as you like."

"I don't want to wait too long," I said eagerly.

"This will change your life," he said. "You still have school."

"School? Schmool!"

"But that is just as important."

"I don't want to wait until I'm finished with school. That's more than a year away," I said impatiently. Then something important came to mind. There was one new person I'd want to see me change and she wasn't going to be in Dullsville much longer. "I'd really like to be turned while Stormy is still here. I'd like her to see me as a vampire. I want her to see me like I see her."

"She means that much to you?" he asked.

"You both do."

"But she's leaving next week."

"I know."

"But you still have classes, and your education is important."

"I can go to night classes. Or take online courses. Or even Jameson can teach me. I'll be homeschooled like you," I suggested. Now that Alexander was on board, I wasn't going to let anything get in our way.

"I thought - but what about your parents? Do you think they are going to be happy about this?"

"They won't understand at first. And they'll be angry. But I'll still be their daughter. I'll still live in Dullsville and graduate high school and go to college. And they were hippies. If anyone understands being different, it's them. I'll just have to remind them."

"We will have challenges," he said.

"I know. But if we are together, then we can take them on, together."

"I've never met anyone like you." He drew me in again and kissed me passionately.

Then we sat on a bench in the cemetery and made up for the time we'd lost being apart with kisses and making plans for our future. I was like a girl who had just got engaged. I was completely overwhelmed by the moment and the promise of my life with my one true love. I held and squeezed Alexander harder than I ever had before and became magically lost in his lips as I cherished that I was soon to become his vampire mate.

Chapter 20 Waiting for an Eternity

I was going to become a vampire! It was all I'd ever thought about and dreamed about and now it was coming to fruition! I was so afraid I'd dreamed it that I texted Alexander a million times to reassure myself that it was real. It was, and it was going to be Copyright 2016 - 2024