Ignite (The Disciples #4) - Cassandra Robbins Page 0,9

dancer. If the rumors that these girls make half the money they supposedly make are true, I’m in.

Getting naked in front of people is no big deal. You can’t be shy in the dance world. You’re constantly getting undressed and dressed in front of people. Although I’ve never used a pole to dance, how hard can it be?

“Please let this be legit.” I close my eyes and breathe out. This is it. Like this could save me. I make my way to the bathroom and fill the sink with my vanilla shower gel, dumping in as many dance clothes and panties as it can hold.

My stomach growls, reminding me of the need to eat. I think I have an apple and a slice of pizza left over from earlier. I try hard to bring food home from work or eat it there. But it was Annie’s birthday two days ago and our manager had Dominos delivered.

As I nibble on cold pizza that tastes like cardboard, my mind searches my current wardrobe. I need something to audition with.

“Whatever.” I’ll wear a cute two-piece set. Black jazz shorts and a black cropped dance top. I’ll be the best dancer anyway. Who cares what I wear or look like? As soon as I get some cash coming in, I’ll invest in stuff.

It does say I need a dance routine and that I need to use the pole. Hmm.

I prop my right leg on the wall and stretch, my face touching my knee. I love the slight burn I feel whenever I stretch like this. What’s the last movie or show I saw that had strippers? I think J Lo was in one, but who has money for a movie? Not me.

Again, how hard can this be? I spin and prop my left leg on the sink.

Do I dare?

Of course I dare. After all, I’m me. Lowering my leg, I toss my half-eaten straw-like pizza into the trash can. Grabbing the apple, a glass of water, and my phone, I drop into bed.

It’s the one thing I kept from my old life. The bed is old, but the mattress was expensive. It’s the only good thing I own. Propping a pillow behind my head, I pull up YouTube. Instantly, I start laughing after I type Flashdance and watch the dancer in the movie. I need to be ready in two days. Not much time, but meh, sleep is overrated. I’ll catch up after I get this job.

I jump up. First I need to wring out my laundry and a take a shower. No matter what, I’m going to learn this routine and nail this audition.



“You want me to dance… for you?”

“Yeah, Cookie, I’d love you to dance for me.”

My pulse is pounding and not because I’ve been dancing. It’s because of this man. He’s hands down the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. He has thick dark hair and his eyes… holy God. They’re blue, but not like light blue—I’m talking sapphire blue. Kind of ironic since that was supposed to be my stage name, but my brain froze. Went blank and Cookie came out.

I breathe in some air as I turn my head away from him. It’s either that or take a step back. And I don’t do that. Not even this tall, tattooed stranger can make me stand down. I never will. He seems to have the same thoughts since he hasn’t moved either.

I start dancing. He’ll have to move then. I motion to the DJ in the booth to start the music as I roll my neck and get into position.

“Maniac” starts up again and still, he hasn’t budged. I spin then stop right in front of him. He smirks and a small dimple appears.

Who is this guy? Now that he’s so close, I can read the tattoo on his neck. Loyalty. This man has to be important since everyone is treating him like a king.

I let the music take over. It’s always like this when I dance. No one is here—it’s the music and me. I’m free.

Except this time, it’s not only me. A dark stranger who smells fresh and clean with a hint of smoke invades my space.

“Stop,” he commands, and the music turns off. He doesn’t even yell. I guess his voice carries.

Those piercing eyes of his pin me to this spot. “Sweetheart, you know this is a strip club, right?”

I blink at him, forcing my eyes away from his full lips, which seem to mock me. What

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