Ignite (The Disciples #4) - Cassandra Robbins Page 0,30

I have a sunburn. I’m sure it’ll be raw, but if he stops, I might die.

“That’s it, Cookie.” His voice is low, gravelly. It should set off a red flag. He’s not fucking around. Before I can say anything, like the truth, his hands scatter everything on the floor. Then he reaches for my breast. “Yeah, look at these fucking hard nipples.” His thumb is rough as he rubs the right one and I know I need to speak, but the thing is, I can’t. He’s robbed me of everything but him.

He’s primal. Exciting. Deadly.

“I’m going to fuck you, Cookie, so hard that you can’t walk straight, then suck on your clit until you beg me to let you come. And if your cunt pleases me, I’ll reward you.” His voice makes my core clench.

I’m so wet. Would it be bad if I let him do only that?

Holy fuck.

His hand leaves my breast and works its way to my neck, gently pushing me down on the cool wood as my legs dangle. I need to stop acting like I’m mute and speak up.

He straightens and looks at me. My brain is almost sluggish, like it wants to malfunction, so I don’t have to stop this.

He wants me.

And I love that.

I need it.

Because the truth is no one’s ever kissed me like that. Or looked at me the way he’s looking at me right now. He makes me feel like something special.

“This is how I want you. So fucking beautiful.” His eyes narrow on my small breasts.

What am I doing? Like a bucket of cold water has been thrown in my face, I bolt up.

“Wait, Axel you need to stop.”

He frowns. He’s so gorgeous, but right now those lips that were kissing me seconds ago are sneering in a way that makes a shiver go up my spine.

“You want me to stop?” He doesn’t sound happy. In fact, if I wasn’t in shock at all that’s happening, I would probably run.

“Yes. I do… I need to be married. I’m religious.”

Oh my God. I’m mortified.

He’s silent again, so I make it worse by adding, “Very religious.”

Clearly I’m crazy. Only a crazy person would do what I’m doing. I need to save myself. Tell the truth that I’m nineteen, socially inept, and still a virgin. Oh God, maybe being religious does sound better?

He pulls off his vest and my legs squirm on the wood as he takes off his T-shirt and hands it to me.

Tattoos cover his body, and there’s a huge Disciples MC with wings on his chest, leaving my eyes to feast on his eight-pack.

“Put the shirt on, Antoinette.” He reaches for his pack of cigarettes behind me. My voice stutters as I try to say, “Okay.” Instead I clutch his shirt to my breasts.

I’m prepared to open my mouth and tell the truth when both of his muscled arms have me caged in on both sides. His mouth is right next to mine and if he kisses me, I’ll be quiet and let him do anything he wants.

Instead he says, “You’re fired.”


To say this has been a fucked week would be an understatement. Walking into the clubhouse, all I want is to take a shower—a cold shower—and get high and play my guitar. Maybe have a club bunny blow me and play my guitar some more.

Ryder sticks his head out from the conference room. “Prez needs to talk to you.”

“Someone dead?”


“Then I’m taking a shower.” I breeze past him up the stairs.

“How much longer until you’re off your period?” he yells up to me. I ignore him because I don’t give a shit.

So, I’ve been a dick this last week. I’ve had a lot of shit to deal with. Starting with plumbing issues at the Pussycat. Then, Derrick deciding he’s feeling good enough to micromanage from his phone and constantly FaceTiming me.

Let’s not forget Crystal. At least she’s consistent.

A bitch.

She walks around all day acting like I’m the devil since I fired her “favorite girl.” Fucking joke. She doesn’t even know Antoinette.

A quick flash of something that might be regret flows through me. I push it aside as I bang my door open. The cool air from the air conditioner hits me like a welcome friend, along with the fresh clean smell of bleach.

I don’t regret firing her because I don’t have regrets. It’s more like an adrenaline rush that I get when I think about her. I guess that’s what’s been hanging over my head the past week and

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