Ignite (The Disciples #4) - Cassandra Robbins Page 0,14

happened, ever.

“Nothing,” she yells. The song ends and all that remains is our heavy breathing and the realization she might be out of her mind.


I clear my voice and reach for my cigarettes as I rub my throbbing cock. Lighting up, I turn to her. She stands there, her hands covering her breasts.

“Get dressed,” I say, my voice tight.

She bends and grabs her top, slipping it on, her eyes darting from my face to the bulge in my pants. “I assume I got the job?” Her voice cracks.

I start laughing. It figures my cock would want the crazy one. “Talk to Crystal.” I grab my phone and keys, needing to get away from her and the club. Fresh air and a bottle of Wild Turkey will block out this fucking day.

I start my bike and text Jessamine to meet me at the clubhouse. I need her Southern drawl and red lips to relax me.


Mitchell slams the door so hard I sink into the chair—it’s still warm from him. “What have I done?”

I sit for a moment, trying to pull it together. That was a disaster. Did I almost…?

“Oh God,” I groan and cover my face. The makeup I put on earlier is probably a mess and rubbing my face has got to be making it worse. Who cares. I almost… with the hot owner.

Breathing heavily, I bolt up and pace around the room. My eyes catch movement on one of the monitors. It’s him. I watch him like a stalker watches their obsession. He stops for a moment, texts someone, and leaves. Power should be his middle name. He commands everything, including me, I guess. What happened?

My mind goes over the last ten minutes and I want to die of embarrassment. I’m a professional dancer, and this is a job that can save me. Why would I beg him, seduce him with my moves, then freak when he responds?

“Because you’re a virgin and clearly a socially stunted person,” I mumble. Sighing, I look up at the ceiling. That was… I don’t even know what that was. All I know is I wanted him. No, I needed him to touch me. It was like my very life depended on it.

I reach to adjust my G-string. It’s soaked. “Oh God.” I’m so wet that it’s leaked onto my dance shorts. Thank goodness they’re black. “Pull it together, Antoinette. He’s the owner of the club.” Great, I’m talking to myself and my hands are shaking. I rub them up and down my shorts then reach up to check my hair, trying to calm myself.

I should walk out these doors and never come back. Mitchell must think I’m insane. Do I care? Not really. He wanted me as much as I wanted him. Plus, I’m broke and had a moment of weakness. I know for a fact that I have nothing to worry about. It’s not like I’ll be attracted to any other man. Trust me, I’m shocked I responded to Mitchell.

I’m still a virgin. Haven’t found anyone I’ve liked enough to let them do it. And I’m going to stay a virgin since that guy is off limits seeing as he’s about to become my boss. I’m not here for a relationship. I’m here to make rent, pay bills, and eat food.

He said ask Crystal, and Crystal said yes. I take another breath; I can do this. Opening the door, I head toward the stairs to get my bag and confirm this with her.

She’s smoking and laughing with some girls I was auditioning with. I square my shoulders as I approach.


She turns, and her eyes narrow. My cheeks flood with heat. I’m being ridiculous. She can’t possibly know what happened.

“Hi.” I smile, but it’s forced. My lip twitches. “So, Mitchell said yes.”

Technically, it’s not a lie. He said to ask Crystal and she said yes. Again, all the girls stop talking and look at each other.

Crystal arches a red brow. “Is that so? Well, if Mitchell said yes, then yes it is.” She inhales and blows smoke up at the ceiling.

Something is up with this woman, but again, it’s not like I have to be best friends with her. I nod, pretending like I don’t notice the other girls whispering and laughing. It’s always like this with me. I never fit in.

“Cookie.” I jump at Crystal’s shrill voice. God, she scared me. She rolls her eyes but continues. “This is Cat, but we’re calling her Frenchie, Roxy, and Sapphire.” She points at each

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