Ignite (The Disciples #4) - Cassandra Robbins Page 0,112

I spit and rinse. Glancing up at myself in the mirror, I hardly recognize the girl who blinks back at me. Somewhere along the line, I’ve changed. I’m not the same. Toni is gone and Antoinette blinks back at me. I reach up to touch my lips, which are swollen from his mouth, and notice the way my eyes are finally alive. I may be sad, even heartbroken, but no matter what happens, I have Axel to thank.

He woke me up and I’ll never let myself sleepwalk through life again.

“Oh my God. Antoinette.” Eve’s eyes are filled with tears. “A baby. Axel’s going to be a dad.” She sniffs, and I don’t want to have to remind her, but I need to because she’s already walking to her purse, probably to call Blade.

“Eve, we can’t tell him. We can’t tell anyone, remember? You promised.”

She turns and nods. “I know.”

She keeps walking and I panic. That’s it? That’s never it with Eve.


She turns as she opens the door leading to James Dean and Dewey.

“Time to go,” she sings, and it dawns on me that I might be screwed.


After two hours of telling the same story over and over to the fucking Feds, I’m finally leaving. I guess they figured if they kept me long enough, I’d slip up. I never slip up.

Putting my sunglasses on, I get on my bike and weigh whether to go back to the clubhouse or stop by and have a couple of shots and see old Davey. The traffic is moving and I’m up over the hill in no time. I need sleep… need to stop thinking about her. The whole time I was waiting for the Feds my mind kept wandering back to last night. I can’t seem to shake it. She’s in my blood.

I pull into the alley and park my bike. If I get fucked up, I can always crash in his shithole office. I’ve done it before.

Walking into the dark wood and green-leather-seated bar, I look around at all his regulars who haven’t left in the thirty years he’s been open. He rode with Blade’s dad. He bought land and has become wealthy. He also owns one of my favorite dive bars.

This is exactly what I need. A couple of shots, play some pool, get my head on straight.

I step up to the bartender. She’s attractive. Red hair, big tits, and short shorts. Her eyes go straight to my tattoos.

“Hey, I know you.” She wipes her hands on the bar towel hanging out of her back pocket. Her breasts bounce as she props a booted foot on top of the ice bucket. “You’re a Disciple, right?”

“Is Davey here?” I sit down on one of the stools, ignoring the two suits sitting at the end of the bar.

“In the kitchen, darlin’.” She smiles and my mind instantly hears Antoinette snapping about how she hates being called darlin’. I rub my forehead, craving a cigarette.

“Give me a double Jameson. And tell him Axel’s here to see his old ass.” She grins as she pours way more than a double and leans over to hand it to me.

“That’s on the house.” She knocks on the shiny wood and sashays back to the kitchen. I watch her, trying not to judge, but her legs are too short, her breasts too large.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

Fucking Antoinette is what’s wrong with me. I take a deep swig and stand to go out and smoke. I’ll check my messages and text Blade that I might not make it back today. I already filled him in on everything earlier anyway.

I wander out the front door and light up. A couple of girls are smoking also. Both smile and start to whisper. All I want is peace, no drama, no women, just booze and maybe some pool.

I frown at the first message. It’s from Rhys. I push on the voice mail message.

“Brother. Fuck you, man.” I hear him drink from the bottle and continue. I’d love to judge him, but I’m drowning myself with a bottle because of my own shit.

“You send me this… fucking masterpiece and expect me to do it justice?” More mumbling then, “It’s gonna be out, and I gave you credit. It’s the best song I’ve laid down in years, man. ‘Untouched’ is coming.” He slurs some more and an incoming text tells me he sent me a copy of it.

I text Blade before I listen to it. Frankly I forgot I even sent

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