If the Sun Never Sets - Ana Huang Page 0,53

of skepticism in her voice.

“I thought I made myself clear. I’d do anything for you.” Blake lowered his head and trailed his lips down her neck until he reached the pulse fluttering beneath her skin like a trapped butterfly. “I’ll wait as long as I need for you to trust me again.”

“What if that never happens?”

“Then I’ll wait forever.”

A noise wrenched from her throat. “You always were good with words.”

“They’re not the only thing I’m good with.” Blake’s mouth made the lazy journey back up her slender throat to her jaw, her cheek, her nose…everywhere but her mouth, which parted with impatience at his languid pace. “Do we have a deal?”

Farrah blinked, then ever so slowly nodded.

“What do you want now?”


“You’ll have to be more specific.” Blake reached under her shirt and caressed her inner thigh. Farrah tilted her hips toward, but he didn’t respond to the invitation, choosing instead to draw lazy circles on her inner thighs.

She glared at him, and he responded with an innocent smile. Just because she owned him, heart and soul, didn’t mean he couldn’t have some fun with her.

“I want you to make me come. In the next five minutes,” she added, probably as retaliation.

Blake was insulted. “Five minutes? You underestimate me.”

He made her come in two.

Less than two, according to the accurate-down-to-the-second clock on his nightstand, but he rounded up because he was humble like that.

While Farrah was still shaking from her high, Blake picked her up and tossed her on the bed for the second round. Except this time, he was going to use more than his fingers.

His dick strained at the thought.

“By the way,” Farrah said, watching with hooded eyes as Blake sheathed himself with a condom. “As part of the deal, you can’t hook up with that woman from last night.”

“You mean Pat.”

She pursed her lips. “Right. Pat.”

Blake’s mouth curled up into a sly grin. “You’re cute when you’re jealous.”

“I’m not jealous,” Farrah insisted, twin poppies blooming on her cheeks.

“No?” Blake knelt over her, caging her in with his body. “So, you don’t care that I spent all day yesterday with Pat?”

Farrah’s face darkened. “I cannot believe you’re talking about another woman right now.” She tried to shove him away with no avail.

“I thought you said you weren’t jealous,” he teased.

“I’m not. But this is not the time to talk about being with someone else.” Her bottom lip pushed out into a pout before her eyes lit up with a mischievous gleam. “Although if you can be with Pat, I can be with someone else too. Maybe that hot bartender from The Egret? What was his name, Justin?”

A dangerous growl rumbled from Blake’s chest. “You’re not going anywhere near him,” he snapped. “Not unless you want a bad case of STDs.”

Farrah smirked. “Who’s the jealous one now?”

“Damn right I’m jealous.” Blake pinned her hands above her head and lowered his head until their faces were inches apart. “I don’t share. Not when it comes to you. This is an exclusive arrangement, and if Justin so much as looks at you the wrong way, I will rip him apart with my bare hands.”

Farrah’s eyes flared. “Fine. But if it’s exclusive, that means you can’t see Pat again either.”

“That’s going to be hard.”

The anger returned to her expression. She opened her mouth to argue, but he cut her off. “She’s my chief of staff. I’m about as sexually attracted to her as I would be to a ninety-year-old nun, and the feeling’s mutual.”

An audible gulp. “Oh.”

“But it’s nice to see you care so much. Now that that’s settled…” Blake grinned and nudged her legs open with his knee. “Let’s move on to something more fun.”

The red on Farrah’s cheeks deepened. “You know, you’re really a cocky son of—” The rest of Farrah’s sentence fell away when he drove her into her with one hard thrust.

“What were you saying about cocky?” Blake lifted one of her legs and propped it on his shoulder so he could drive deeper.

Farrah didn’t answer. She clutched the sheets with white-knuckled fists, a steady stream of breathless cries falling past her lips as he buried himself so deep, he could’ve fucking tattooed himself on her heart. She was still wearing his shirt, which made it even sexier.

Blake leaned down and captured her mouth with this. His tongue slipped into her sweetness, stroking and licking and swallowing her sighs of pleasure until she came apart in his arms.

Farrah didn’t know it yet, but he was going to reclaim her,

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