If the Sun Never Sets - Ana Huang Page 0,18

waiter a $20 bill on her way out. Lord knows Ken was the type who’d brag about dropping $7,500 on a watch while stiffing waiters on their tips.

“Sorry about the mess I made,” she whispered while Ken wailed about his watch in the background.

“No problem.” The waiter grinned ear from ear. “It was worth it.”

Farrah stepped into the cool evening air, glad to be away from Ken’s histrionics. She didn’t take a single bite of her pasta, which was a damn shame, because it’d smelled amazing. But there was no way she could look at Ken’s face for another second without throwing up.

Her head swam from the red wine, and her stomach growled in anger as she trudged toward the subway, debating where to go next. She could pick up food on her way home. There were plenty of decent restaurants in Chelsea. Farrah usually enjoyed her alone time, but Olivia also had a date tonight, and the thought of eating takeout alone in their empty apartment after a failed date seemed so sad.

She did have another option…one she hadn’t entertained until now.

If you change your mind about dinner or your date turns out to be a flop, I’ll be at The Egret on the Upper West Side. Best damn burgers in the city.

It was a bad idea, and Farrah didn’t need any more bad ideas tonight.

But a burger sounded amazing, and Blake had said The Egret’s drink specials ran until eleven. She needed a stiff drink—one stronger than wine—almost as much as she needed food and normal company after her date from hell.

Would it really hurt to meet up with Blake for one little burger? It wasn’t like she was planning to make out with the guy.

On the other hand, Farrah didn’t want to give him the wrong impression. She didn’t know what Blake was up to, but she doubted he invited all his freelancers out for drinks on a Friday night.

But he hadn’t made any unwanted advances toward her. He’d been friendly and professional this entire time—perhaps friendlier than he might have been with other people, but like he said, they had history.

Her brain ping-ponged between decisions. Meanwhile, her stomach growled again, sounding even more pissed off this time.

Farrah reached the subway station. She had two options—uptown or downtown. She took a step to her left, then changed her mind with a groan and walked to the right, toward the line that’d take her uptown.

Chapter Ten

The clock ticked toward 7:30 p.m.—close to post-dinner territory.

Blake finished his last fry without taking his eye off the entrance to The Egret. His hope of seeing Farrah walk through the door dwindled by the second.

“Who’re you waiting for? Margot Robbie?” Justin, the bartender, joked. Blake visited The Egret every time he was in town, and he’d struck up a friendship with Justin. “You’ve been staring at the door all night.”

“None of your business.” Blake pushed his empty plate across the counter. “Can I get a Stella?”

He should’ve known better than to expect Farrah to show up. She wasn’t the type to walk out on someone in the middle of dinner, and even if she did walk out, why would she come here? As much as he’d like to think otherwise, they weren’t friends again.

Blake wondered what Farrah and her date were up to. They must’ve finished dinner by now. Were they getting after-dinner drinks? Taking a romantic stroll by the riverside? Going back to Mystery Douche’s place for a night of wild sex?

Blake grit his teeth so hard his jaw ached.

“Jeez, here’s your beer.” Justin slapped the bottle in front of him with a wary look. “No need to glare at me like you’re planning my murder just because I took longer than usual. It’s packed.”

“It’s not—never mind. Thanks,” Blake muttered. He took a swig of his beer. The cold brew did nothing to ease his mind.

“I spy someone that’ll wipe that grumpy look off your face.” Justin lowered his voice. “Blonde. Three o’clock. Staring right at you.”

Blake turned his head. His gaze collided with the petite blonde at the other end of the bar. Wavy golden hair, bright blue eyes, full pink lips. She was gorgeous, but he couldn’t summon even a flicker of interest.

Unfortunately, she took their eye contact to mean he was interested.

“Don’t fuck it up,” Justin warned with a grin. He made himself scarce just as the blonde sidled up to Blake with a flirtatious smile.

“Hey. Do you mind if I join you?”

Bold. Then again, she didn’t look

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