If Hooks Could Kill - By Betty Hechtman Page 0,33

husband who did it. But what you just told me is the final corner in what we detectives call the golden triangle. One corner is for means. Dan had that. Eric said Dan owned a gun. The other corner is for opportunity. I bet Dan only claimed he discovered her body. He could easily have come by earlier, killed her and then acted all crazy and gone running to tell my boyfriend Eric.” Adele let out a satisfied sigh. “And you just gave me the motive that fits into that last corner. Dan the dollar king probably didn’t like it that she dissed his business.” Adele’s eyes grew brighter. “And that she was spending all their money on expensive soap and fancy yarn.” She closed her little notebook. “With this information, they’ll arrest Dan for sure.”

“Golden triangle?” I said to Adele. “What detective exactly, used that term?”

Adele sputtered and threw me an angry glance. “Maybe it’s my term, but I’m sure Eric will think it’s brilliant and pass it on, along with the information.”

“And what’s this about Dan’s gun?”

Adele sputtered again. “I know what you’re doing, Pink. This is my case. And I just solved it. Who’s the super sleuth now?”


“I don’t get it. If they found Dan’s gun, why haven’t they already arrested him?” I said.

“Because they were waiting for Adele’s information to fill in the third corner of the golden triangle,” Dinah said with a grin. We both shook our heads. Dinah and I had met up at the end of my workday. We’d decided to have a girls’ night out, or in, really. The plan was we’d go to my house, order a pizza, watch some old classic movie and crochet.

“I wonder if Eric realizes what he’s done by letting her in on his work,” Dinah said. We’d gotten into the greenmobile and started on the short distance to my place.

“If he doesn’t, he’ll know soon when she starts wanting to do ride-alongs on his motorcycle.,” I said as I pulled the car into my driveway. “And when she starts wanting to co-sign the traffic tickets.” We both laughed as we got out and went across the backyard. As soon as I opened the back door, Cosmo ran outside followed by Blondie. Music was blaring from Samuel’s room even with the door shut. I checked the cats’ bowls next and when I saw they were empty, poured in some dry food.

Jeffrey came into the kitchen and greeted us before picking through the white paper bags of takeout food on the counter. I could tell by the smell it was burgers and fries.

“I don’t think my dad has ever heard of salad,” he said, his mouth twisted in disappointment.

I told him to check the vegetable drawer and help himself. I noticed voices coming from the living room and I asked Jeffrey who was there.

“I don’t know. Some friend of my dad’s,” Jeffrey said before going to the refrigerator. Jeffrey took out some romaine lettuce, a cucumber, tomatoes and some green onions. He was rummaging for a cutting board and asked if he could borrow some olive oil.

“Maybe we should rethink the location of our girls’ night,” Dinah said. “My place might be a little more peaceful.”

I nodded in agreement. “But let me check my yarn stash first. I’m sure I have a bunch of balls of the thread in different colors.” We had both wanted to try Eduardo’s pattern and make one of the bracelets using crochet thread. Dinah followed me into the living room. As we walked through it, the voices dropped to a whisper. I looked toward the couch and saw that Barry was talking to one of his cop friends. They looked in our direction and nodded in greeting before continuing their conversation.

“Maybe you can ask Barry why they haven’t arrested Dan,” Dinah said as we reached my side of the house. Once we entered the hall, it was blissfully quiet.

“I’ll try later.” I went over to the basket of yarn and started to rummage through it as Dinah looked around.

“I can see why you call this your haven—and why you need it.” She glanced back toward the other side of the house.

I replaced the yarn I’d pulled out and stood up. “The crochet thread isn’t here. I must have packed it up with all the stuff I put in the storage locker.” Since the room I’d given Barry was my former crochet room, I’d had to empty it. There was no place else

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