If Hooks Could Kill - By Betty Hechtman Page 0,28

to marry me, but wanted to keep things as they were, I’d never tell her it had to be all or nothing.” Mason paused a moment. “I think Barry’s forgotten that he chose nothing.” Mason started the motor and pulled the car away from the curb.

We continued our conversation when we got to a small bar/restaurant that served the best thick-crust pizza. We ordered a large one with cheese and a salad to share.

“When he was laid up, it was no problem. He had people who came over and took care of things and who took him whereever he needed to go. I barely saw him. But now that he’s up and around and back to work, it’s gotten all strange. I said something to him about being ready to move back to his condo. He gave me the same story about needing his doctor to okay him going up and down stairs. But I’m sure it won’t be long.” I paused a moment and then told Mason how Barry had frozen when he saw me struggling with the kids stealing the e-readers in the afternoon.

Mason appeared stricken. “I wish I’d been there. I would have helped you. It sounds like Barry needs to get his edge back.” We’d finished off the salad and the pizza arrived in the black round pan. The waitress set it on its own little table after serving us each a piece. For a few minutes we were lost in pizza heaven. The tomato sauce was homemade and the mozzarella made a creamy counterpoint to the zesty sauce. And the crust. It had a little crunch and a delicious buttery flavor.

“Maybe when he takes care of the two cases he’s working on and gets back to his old job, it’ll come back.” I helped Mason and myself to another piece of the delicious pizza.

Mason shook his head. “He can’t go back to his old homicide job until he gets his mojo back. If he hesitates at the wrong time, it could get him killed. And anybody working with him. I’m sure he knows that.” I felt my shoulders slump. I knew what Mason was saying was true.

“So, tell me, sunshine, who got murdered this time?” Mason said trying to change the subject.

Between bites, I told him about Kelly. The whole story—how Adele, Dinah and I had gone over to her house in the morning and now she was dead.

“Are you three suspects?” Mason asked.

“No. The cops don’t even know that we were there.” I paused and had visions of Adele talking to Eric. “Yet, anyway.” I looked at the two slices still in the pan and debated whether to have one or not. Mason read my thoughts and scooped up one and dropped it on my plate, before taking the last one for himself. “I’m not really worried about being a suspect. I’m more concerned about Dinah. The murder happened a half block from her house. According to Adele, even though it looked like a robbery gone bad, the cops are zeroing in on Kelly’s husband. You know who he is. Dan from the Hollar for a Dollar store. Oops, I mean More Bang for Your Buck. I suppose it could have been him. Actually I hope it is him instead of some random robber with a gun.”

“So, she was shot?” Mason said. “You’d think someone would have heard something with all those people around.”

“It is odd.” I said.

With the pizza finished, we ordered espressos and a vanilla gelato to share.

“Sunshine, I hate to say anything, but you do seem to keep getting caught up in murders. Maybe I should be worried,” Mason joked as he picked up the small cup of strong coffee. Then his smile faded. “I know I shouldn’t joke. It’s serious business. Your crochet friend is dead.”

I tasted a spoonful of the gelato. The creamy sweet taste was a perfect contrast to the espresso. “If there’s anything you can find out, I’d appreciate it. I’m concerned because Dinah lives down the street, but there’s something else.” I stopped. I knew I should be better than this, and not stoop to Adele’s level, but . . . “Adele is making this huge deal out of being the information source. I just need some little edge. I’m not proud of it, but any minute she’s going to start referring to herself as Adele Poirot, or Sherlock’s sister, or Adele Drew.”

“I get the picture,” Mason said, reaching over and touching my hand. “I’ll see

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