I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,88

coins, or the new partnership with Stryder, a mutant. Nor did Zane bring up the problems with Agent Green and the mysterious Detective Davis. And they didn’t refer to my marriage with Zane.

Zane’s next query half answered the reason for my final observation.

“If I may be so bold, Elder McQuillan?” Zane asked sounding more formal than I’d heard him.

“Cut the crap, Marshall. Spit it out,” McQuillan commanded. “We’ve moved past all that haven’t we?” He cocked his head and gave Zane an easy smile.

“But this is a matter of major importance.”

Around the table, everyone seemed to lean forward.

“My birthday is approaching,” he rushed on, “and I’m pledged to Jazmine. I cannot join with a female who is involved in a deadly scandal, maybe even the murder of humans.”

The group, minus McQuillan, nodded their agreement. I could see the wisdom in what Zane was requesting. Not to mention, he was already married to me and regardless of my current displeasure over his actions, I loved him.

I’d find a way to kill Jazmine myself if it came to that. I didn’t have any idea how I would accomplish such an outlandish feat, but I’d give it my best shot. Maybe I’d take down Rhonda at the same time.

“I will not dissolve this agreement, not yet,” McQuillan began. “However, I will extend the deadline another thirty days. In the meantime, should you find your one true mate, a woman who agrees to accept your mark, you will be freed from what I think is a ridiculously old and no longer useful contract.”

“Thank you.” Zane looked right at me.

It was more than difficult to pull my eyes from his.

How could I be so angry but so in love at the same time?

Chapter 32 20

Back in Plumb Beach, I bustled around our tiny apartment, gathering a minimal amount of must-have essentials for my trip to Portland.

Zane and Alcuin were out in the barn with our resident mutants. I was happy for Stryder. As far as I could tell, he’d make a great addition to our growing team.

Tom, I wasn’t sure what their plans were for him — probably nothing very pleasant, unless he decided to denounce his mutinous ways. From what I’d seen in his thoughts, he wouldn’t be joining our cause anytime soon. A decision he would regret.

With my small travel bag stuffed to capacity, I slipped out front where my car was parked next to Zane’s. As quietly as my humanness allowed, I popped the trunk and deposited my bag. The last thing I needed was Zane asking why I needed an overflowing travel case for a sixty minute meeting with Luke and Rhonda.

We hadn’t talked much since Seattle. I was still frustrated about his impromptu introduction that had left me at the mercy of strangers. The way I saw it, not warning me about his intentions equaled not trusting me. He thought I was too weak and emotionally unstable to handle the truth. Granted, he had a point. I’d become prone to fainting in his arms since we’d first met.

And, yes, I’d had my encounters with Valamir, but how could he fault me for something I had no real control over. The vampire had vamped my mind with magic mojo. And in the end, I’d rejected Valamir’s invitation to become his woman. Just because my body was beguiled by the ancient bloodsucker didn’t mean I was.

“Hey, Princess.” Zane strode from the pole barn looking like the most magnificent specimen of manhood I’d ever seen. All I had to do was confess my eternal love for him and I’d allegedly receive the mating symbol and live happily ever after.

Why did I continue to resist the inevitable?

“What are you doing out here?” He pulled me to his chest where I rested my head.

His heartbeat accelerated as I ran my hand down the length of his muscled arm. I had to tell him about Valamir. He’d have time to process the revelation while I was in Portland.

“I need to tell you something.” I tilted my head up, searching his eyes.

“Excuse the interruption,” Alcuin said, appearing without warning.

A low growl vibrated in Zane’s chest, and he shot an annoyed look at Alcuin. “Why do my partners have such bad timing?”

“Down wolf. No need to howl over it.” I could tell Alcuin was in the mood to bait Zane. I hoped Zane wouldn’t bite. We needed to talk before I changed my mind.

Hoping to remind them I needed to be at the park soon, I made a

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