I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,81

Just like werewolves, and even humans, not everyone finds their own favorite flavor. When we do, we want to hang on, permanently, if possible. I guess the question is: who is your favorite flavor, Chloe?”

I found, much to my dismay, I couldn’t answer.

Chapter 2918

I tried to hide my relief when Alcuin presented the fourth, and what we hoped was the final coin, to Zane over breakfast. My vampire confidant didn’t stay long, complaining the sun was getting on his nerves and giving him a blistering headache. He promised to return when we were ready for our “ride” to the board meeting.

Zane had readily accepted Alcuin’s explanation for obtaining the coin. My late night worry session had been unnecessary. As he’d promised last night, before leaving, Alcuin kept the more sensitive portions of our conversation to himself. Something I knew he disliked in light of his longtime alliance with Zane.

I’d also filled Alcuin in on my parental problems and my plans and reasons for traveling to Portland minus Zane. In lieu of time constraints, we determined he’d handle Bob on his own. In truth, I didn’t want see my stepdad bedazzled regardless of the reason.

Uneasy, Alcuin swore secrecy on those revelations as well. He had even gone so far to admit that he’d never once chosen a human’s wishes over his own, and made it clear he wasn’t planning to make it habit.

Whatever his reasons, I was grateful to have him for an ally, even temporarily. He would make sure I arrived at my destination unscathed.

Thank goodness I’d adapted to teleporting since I’d be traveling Air Alcuin twice in one day. Actually, three times — a round trip to and from Seattle, and a one way ride to Portland.

In addition, Luke had remembered his role in my escape-to-Portland scheme. He’d called, as planned, at 7:15 AM to request an evening meeting. I’d explained to Zane that Luke wanted to have a long overdue sit-down with me and Rhonda. Something my werewolf mate was none too keen about. He considered her an arch enemy to be avoided at all costs.

In the end, I’d won the argument by reminding him that Michael or Mack would be close by and that Luke wouldn’t let Rhonda harm me.

Overall, he’d been pretty receptive considering he was scheduled to meet with Rita later about the coins, a meeting that promised to be long and arduous, according to Rita’s predictions. She’d invited another linguistic scholar to collaborate with them, and believed they might decipher at least a portion of the coins’ script this evening.

I promised to let Luke follow me home, and if circumstances warranted, I could even unleash (forgive the pun) Stryder from the barn for additional protection. Zane was planning to release him when he returned home.

Zane and the two M’s had determined the mutant should have one final day of captivity to seriously consider the implications of switching sides. I was supposed to read his thoughts later and confirm his decision to leave the mutant cause for good.

Tom, on the other hand, wasn’t being quite as receptive. The dreadlocked mutant had so far refused to comply. When I’d taken a peek into his mind, I’d been startled to discover he was crushing big time on the redheaded wolf-woman. He’d seen her from a distance, just once, but it had been enough to ignite his interest. Tom wasn’t real intelligent. From what I could tell, he was downright dumb.

Meanwhile, Zane had gone out to feed Tom and Stryder, leaving me to shower and figure out what an administrative assistant should wear to her first ever board meeting.

I’d also asked Zane what would keep the board members from identifying me. After all, they’d sent Zane here to investigate the murders and find the girl who could chit chat with animals. According to him, no one had a clue what I looked like. Logan alone knew my identity, and Zane promised he was to be trusted.

I hoped he was right.

After trying on at least five potential outfits, I decided on a traditional beige suit, ideal for summer weather. I’d purchased it two years ago for my interview at the animal park. Luke had admired its sleekness, but made sure to remind me that wearing it to work would be overstating my position.

“Wow!” Zane said approvingly, causing me to gasp. He’d managed to catch me off guard.

“Don’t sneak up on me like that.” I pivoted to look over my shoulder in the mirror before facing it again to tuck

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