I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,79

provide you such pleasures.” His finger traced my jaw line and trailed down my neck.

Despite his silky caress, my head was clearing. I took a step back, and then another, allowing myself the luxury of visually devouring my vampire suitor.

As in Vegas, he was clad in black. Leather pants, boots, a black T-shirt, a stylish leather jacket, and the same necklace and emblem resting over his chest. His spiky black hair left his angled face in full view.

Seeing my appraisal, his half smile stretched into a full grin. Just the sight of his fangs sent another shiver of excitement down my inner thighs. It took every ounce of self-control I had left, which wasn’t much, not to slip back into his arms.

“You want me as much as I do you,” he stated with simple sincerity. “Will you join me?”

Fighting that part of me that wanted to do exactly as he requested, I took another careful step away. “I’m mated to Zane now.” I didn’t say married because I suspected that particular term wouldn’t have quite the same impact as its supernatural translation.

“Have you accepted the dog’s mark?” His eyes flashed dangerously.

I’d forgotten all about that part of the ritual. I had to officially accept Zane as my mate. I wasn’t even sure how to do that. Did I have to lift my leg and mark him as mine?

“I can see you haven’t. That is good. You are too wise a woman to do such a despicable thing. You deserve a great deal more than he can give you. I can give you forever.”

Forever …? I wasn’t even sure I could deal with tomorrow. Instead of its desired effect, the forever idea only served to sever any remaining doubt. “I think you better go. The guys will be back soon.” I hoped I was right, because the look in his eyes was no longer one of passion. I hated to imagine the pain his fangs could inflict. I had a feeling that pleasure and pain were closely aligned in the mind of a vampire.

Valamir reached inside his coat and pulled out a shiny, round object. “I believe your friend was looking for this?” He extended what had to be the fourth coin.

Hoping I appeared calmer than I felt, I reached out my hand.

Instead of stepping toward me, he flashed. I didn’t know what else to call it. One second he was standing a few feet away and the next his face was an inch from mine. He lifted my chin with his finger, his eyes boring into mine. He twirled and twisted the coin between his fingers.

“I am willing to play along for awhile longer. You have something I want.” He dipped his mouth to mine and kissed me. Without meaning to, I found myself kissing him back. He smelled like leather, spices, and something utterly foreign but absolutely delicious.

I realized in that moment that everything about this vampire was designed to tempt and torture me — his smell, his taste, his kisses, his amazing looks, all of it. He was like a drug. And if I wasn’t careful, I’d become hopelessly addicted to him, mated to Zane or not.

He pulled away, leaving my chest heaving. A part of me wanted to tell him off, but the words wouldn’t come. He’d literally kissed me quiet. How could I claim to love Zane when I was so easily diverted by the vampire?

“I will have you. You will be mine. To show you how much you already mean to me, here is what you were looking for, I believe.” He took my hand in his and pressed the coin in. “Your vampire friend arrived too late. A mutant had already retrieved it. I disposed of the beast and kept your trinket safe.”

“Uh, thank you,” I whispered. “Do you know what these coins mean? And who the cloaked creatures are?”

“I know many things. Things that I would be willing to reveal should you choose me.” He shrugged. “Until then …” He leaned over and kissed my cheek, then vanished in his trademark glittery swirl.

I collapsed back on the bed. How in the world would I explain this one? For someone who hated secrets, I was sure keeping a list of my own. Visualizing myself telling Zane the truth about everything seemed impossible. I could see it now …

Honey, I was making out with that strange, really ancient vampire, and he gave me the coin because he wants me to leave you and go with

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