I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,76

were men. That pretty much rules me out, don’t you think?” I couldn’t even begin to imagine his response to everything supernatural happening in my life. Seeing him now, like this, gave me another reason to be thankful for Zane’s wisdom. At one point, I’d been ready to tell Bob about werewolves.

Ignoring my little appraisal, Bob crossed his arms. “We’re leaving. You’ve upset your mother. When you have time to talk, sensibly, we’ll be at our usual hotel for a few days before heading home. And you …” Bob glared up a Zane. “Better take care of my daughter or you’ll be answering to the entire Troutdale police force.”

Zane tensed, but answered calmly, “Yes, sir. She’ll be safe with me. You can count on that.”

“That remains to be seen,” he added before taking my mom’s arm. “Believe me, Mr. Marshall. I will be counting on that. And I will be using everything at my disposal to find out who you are.”

I didn’t like the sound of that. My stepdad was no dummy when it came to technology and he had more than a few favors he could call in. Sending Alcuin to change his perception about this unhappy reunion might be necessary. Messing with his memories wasn’t what I wanted, but Bob learning more about Zane was unacceptable. Protecting them from each other was yet another task to add to my lengthy to-do-list, especially with Bob lurking around Plum Beach. I’d try to slip by the hotel later and encourage them to go home; the perfect time for them to meet Alcuin and for him to work his mind magic.

It took three very strong cups of coffee, following their departure, before I felt semi-sane. I hadn’t expected my parents to find out about my nuptials from a secondary source, and I kept replaying our horrible conversation over and over in my head. Zane, knowing I needed space, had hurried out to “visit” with our guests. I could no longer refer to them as prisoners. Guests seemed more civil.

How could I have hurt my mom like that? What was wrong with me?

So much for a restful day of exquisite love making with my husband. I stood instead washing the few dishes we’d left in the sink, thinking about tomorrow.

Monday was the big day. We’d teleport to Seattle for the board meeting, and later, I’d try my hand at deceiving Zane. I was already feeling guilty about sneaking off. But now, more than ever, I needed some time away from this supernatural soap opera to think. I’d locate the Smart kid and maybe I’d visit my folks if they’d returned to Portland after Alcuin’s mind message. They deserved that much.

“Knock, knock! Anyone home?” Michael called, cheerful as always.

Grateful for the distraction, I hurried to unlock the door. Playing the polite hostess came naturally even when I was wallowing in self pity. I could count on the youngest M to lighten things up. “Coffee?” I was already pouring.

“Sure. You okay?” He pulled out a chair and made himself as comfortable as he could at the tiny table.

“My parents stopped by.”

He listened while I poured out my sad story, patting my hand several times.

“How are our mutant friends?” he asked when I was done.

“Zane’s out with them now. I think Stryder might prove useful. There’s something about him. I don’t know why, but I like him.”

Michael looked suddenly uncomfortable. “Chloe, I wanted to tell Zane at the same time, but you need to know this. When I vanished at the park, I was chasing something or someone that looked like Agent Green, but not like him. I’m not sure how to explain it, but he was transformed, ready to feast on the zebra again.

It must have been him the first time Missy was attacked. It’s too coincidental. But I have no idea what he is or how he figures into all this.”

A slow chill spread down my spine. “I guess I’m not surprised. When Mr. FBI pulled us over last night, he mentioned something that seemed strange about the zebras and wolves.”

“Did Alcuin talk to you yet?” Michael asked, to my surprise, sounding anxious.

I shook my head.

“He ran into his own trouble out at McCray’s trailer park.”

“What kind of trouble?” Zane pushed through the front door.

Michael told Zane the same thing he’d told me about Agent Green and then went on to describe Alcuin’s failed attempt to claim the coin. According to Michael, Alcuin had never even made it into the trailer. Another unfamiliar

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