I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,67

was twenty-four hours to myself — a full day to process all the craziness that had invaded my life.

I’d plan my clandestine escape for Monday night, after the big meeting with Logan and the legendary Board of Directors. I prayed that I still had enough pull with Luke to enlist him in my plan.

“I believe you’re missing an important detail,” Alcuin’s assertion sliced through my scheming session.

“Go on,” Zane grumbled.

Mack and Michael nodded their agreement.

“You are all forgetting something crucial. From what I’ve gathered after hearing Chloe’s description, this woman, the redhead isn’t a mutant. She’s a purebred.

The normal separation between mutants and werewolves is changing. These killings are evidence of a much wider arrangement that involves not only a group of rebellious werewolves and mutants, but also your Native American brothers, all working together. This female werewolf is a primary player in their game. I also agree that Jazmine is involved.” Alcuin glanced at his notes again.

“Who is this redhead?” Mack asked. “I can’t think of any female in our pack that fits her description.”

I listened as the men went over the details again and again, reexamining all the key players and points, and always ending up with the same conclusion — they were baffled.

The only good news we’d received all day was a phone message from Luke instructing me and Zane to take the next week off from work — his wedding gift to us.

There was one condition: we remain on call in case of an animal emergency that one of the two M’s couldn’t resolve. I had enough confidence in the father and son duo to trust that my week off wouldn’t be interrupted.

I glanced at my husband. His hair was tied back showing off his rugged features.

Sensing my gaze, he lifted his head, giving me an easy smile. My heart did that crazy fluttering thing and I looked away. At least I hadn’t blasted my erotic images into his mind. Though his eyes gave away his intentions, they were as heated as my own private thoughts.

Somehow, even in the midst of our developing crisis, he, too, was distracted by my presence. Just the awareness of his heated feelings sent a rush of power through my veins, like a potent narcotic to a diehard junkie, but better, and without all the deplorable side effects, yet no less addictive.

I wasn’t sure if it was the situation bringing us closer, but I knew one thing for certain, I wanted a repeat of my wedding night. The night I couldn’t remember. I wanted to trade any remaining regrets for romantic bliss. I wanted to experience whatever pleasures he’d given me all over again with my eyes wide open. But with our world raging out of control, finding the right time would prove difficult.

Alcuin rose to his feet. “Since we’re all speechless, I suggest we get busy. I’ll teleport over to the late Mr. McCray’s trailer and search for another antique coin hiding in some wicker contraption. You two,” he nodded at Zane before turning his piercing eyes my direction, “will take a look around Will Mills’ household. As for the M-mutts …”

“I resent that,” Michael snorted. “I’m not a mutt you frozen freak. You’re just jealous of my body temperature. And by the way, I have a security shift to pull at the park. Pops can handle anything.”

Mack responded to his son’s compliment by inflating his already huge chest.

“If I get too cold, I know where to find a warm wolf coat.” Alcuin flashed fang and chuckled.

Mack high-fived the vampire, leading Michael to swipe at his dad.

Tired of their banter, I stood and stretched. “How about we finish with our itinerary? I’m exhausted. Stressed. And a whole lot of other things that don’t need mentioning in front of you two.” I directed my complaints at the youngest werewolf and Alcuin, who raised an eyebrow.

The vampire’s ability to distinguish human emotions was disconcerting in view of my never-ceasing hunger for Zane.

To my relief, Alcuin kept his observations to himself and picked up the map. I’d circled the murder sites with my orange highlighter. I kept forgetting to ask the one thing the circles reminded me of. “Someone please explain this whole warding thing to me.”

Alcuin raised his head. “Why wards?”

I hated how he answered my question with another one. “The mutants in the trailer mentioned wards and magic.”

Zane answered this time. “Some witches, sorcerers, and all high court fae are able to create wards. The types of wards you’re referring to

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