I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,64

It didn’t take him long.

“This is bad.” A scowl replaced his smile. “I have a feeling these coins might shed some light on what’s going on. I’m alalsoinclinedso inclined to believe there’s a coin hidden at every murder scene. We just have to locate them before the bad guys, which won’t be easy since we can no longer count daylight to our advantage.”

“Why the coins, or whatever they are?” I was baffled. The inscriptions on the coin had given me a prickly all-over feeling. And I could tell by the way Zane continued to examine it, he was equally mystified.

Storing my questions, I maneuvered around a deep pothole and continued toward our next stop … murder victim number-three’s townhouse.

We’d have to handle this visit delicately. Seth Johnson’s parents were apt to be home, and they wouldn’t be too keen on letting virtual strangers into their home, especially under the circumstances. I didn’t blame them.

Glancing at the dashboard’s digital clock, I realized the answer would reveal itself in about fifteen minutes.

Fifteen minutes too soon as far as I was concerned.


Chapter 23

“Get the hell off my property!” Mr. Johnson yelled from the front porch. He gripped a hunting rifle in both hands. The muzzle was lowered — for now anyway. His wife huddled behind him. She appeared more worried than hostile.

“We’re sick of reporters. Don’t you have someone else to harass?” he raged. The rifle vibrated in time to his trembling hands. His frustration laced with anxiety could easily escalate a tense situation into a tragic one if we weren’t careful.

I prayed they would hear me out. “Please, I’m so sorry for your loss. Seth was a great guy. He helped my dad pick out some gear last year. We’re not reporters,” I hurried to get the words out, “but I think we might be able to help. Zane,” I nodded his direction, “is a part time private investigator. He believes the police have missed vital information that could help lead to your son’s killer.”

They spoke in hushed tones. Mr. Johnson gestured and paced, his position not influenced by my plea.

Occupied with their debate, they didn’t notice when a golden retriever trotted out of the garage, his tail wagging. He sidled right up to Zane and gazed up at him with a puppy-in-love expression.

I’ll pet; you have a little chat with him. Zane sent the mind message and kneeled to face his canine admirer. I was again grateful for our private communication option, something I’d resented a few days ago.

I targeted my energy on Seth’s former companion. Making eye contact or maintaining touch was no longer necessary. The range had been expanding all week, right along with the other advances.

Can you show me what happened to your master?

The retriever’s markings were exquisite and he appeared to be well cared for. Only one thing detracted from his perfection, a shaved area above his right leg. I could see evidence of fresh stitches. The wound seemed to be healing well.

I took a breath, preparing myself for the bloody vision he’d undoubtedly reveal. Instead, the dog whimpered, hesitant. Zane whispered something I couldn’t understand and rumpled his fur, calming him for me.

Please, we want to catch the people who did this to Seth. You can help us. I made myself pause, careful to remain calm.

The dog’s sad eyes found mine, and his mind opened like a book. The visions came on with a vengeance. What I observed sent my stomach reeling.

As with Will, a gorgeous redhead was the gruesome show’s star. She approached Seth leisurely licking her pouty lips. He lurched sideways and braced himself against a pool table. They were in an average-sized bedroom turned entertainment room. A Werewolf in London played across the big screen, sound blaring.

Where Will had been enthralled by the wicked woman, Seth looked appalled by her overt sexuality. Back pressed against the pool table, he jerked his head sideways and raised both hands to push her way. Ignoring his rejection, she shimmied closer. Before he could protest further, the vibrating thing happened, and she shifted into the frightening werewolf I’d come to abhor.

It was then I noticed the retriever. He sprang from a nearby chair, sinking his fangs into the creature’s arm. He stayed latched to the beast for a few short seconds before she disengaged him with a vicious swipe.

He hit the floor with a yelp, but maintained consciousness. His eyes remained half open as the horror escalated. Helpless, he whimpered while his master was brutalized beyond recognition.


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