I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,43

Most are purebreds. Should anyone give you trouble, they’ll take care of it. I’m going out myself. I have a few old friends to visit.”

“Have a nice evening.” I was surprised by how clipped my words came out. I sounded like a jealous girlfriend.

“Enjoy yourself and try not to trip over anything,” he said, making a swift exit from my room.

Clenching my fists, I struggled to remain silent. A door clicked shut somewhere in the suite, closing off any opportunity to voice my disapproval.

The idea of his visiting old friends stirred my guts into a frenzy of nerves. I could imagine what type of friends he was referring to — probably some exotic dancer, or sexy cocktail waitress. Why did it matter?

He wasn’t my man, nor would he be — ever.

I didn’t date liars with hidden motives. I didn’t date werewolves that maimed and killed their enemies. In fact, last time I checked — I didn’t date.

The past few days had been beyond bewildering, but that was all behind me now. Zane was a temporary bodyguard — nothing more. In a few weeks, he’d be mated to a psycho she-wolf, just his type, and I’d be back at work enjoying my predictable life hanging out with regular old animals.

Maybe I’d take Luke up on his offer for an evening out. I’d been waiting for something or someone exciting, when that person had been right in front of me all along. In this case, my mother really did know best. Luke was just the caliber of man I needed.

If only I could believe that.

Following a quick shower, I applied my cosmetics with great care, jelled my hair into loose curls, and wiggled into every woman’s must-have nightwear staple — a clingy, glittery, little-black-dress. My shapely legs were on full display.

Slipping on a pair of three-inch, black sling-back sandals, I stood in front of the full-length mirror. Pleased with my reflection, I decided to explore the hotel, grab dinner, and head to the bar featuring live entertainment. It was still afternoon, but I knew that here in Vegas my attire was appropriate no matter what the hour.

I wished for an escort, an arm to link mine through. Too bad I wasn’t on Zane’s arm. Eck! Why did my thoughts always return to him?

Committing to have fun (without my wolfy counterpart) I straightened my shoulders and strutted into the living area, making sure to practice the runway technique of crossing one foot in front of the other to create a seductive sway.

Not expecting to see Zane sprawled shirtless on the zebra-printed couch, I nearly tripped over the furry throw rug at the sight of his tanned and toned abdomen. His broad chest and shoulders didn’t make staying upright any easier.

“Didn’t I warn you about tripping?” He raised an eyebrow, his eyes now golden.

Not sure how to respond, I kept staring.

His loose hair framed his face like a mane. The crooked grin made him look sexier, if that were possible.

From the hungry look in his eyes, it was clear that my little black number had garnered his full attention. At least I wasn’t the only one overcome by our chemistry.

I understood that if I didn’t leave in the next minute, more than his shirt would be missing, and my dress would be a glittery heap on the floor.

“You have fun,” I said, pasting on a bright smile.

Rather than bother with words, he growled. His mental message almost changed my mind. You’re all the fun I need, Chloe. When will you figure it out? I. Want. You.

With energy I didn’t recognize as my own, I commanded my legs to move, and managed to walk myself to the door and stumble out. When I heard Zane’s pained but feral roar, I knew I’d made a huge mistake.

If only I could put my pride to rest and return to his arms.

Chapter 169

The applause was already deafening, but I joined the enthusiastic crowd, my claps lost in the mix. I even added my trademark piercing whistle to the avalanche of noise.

Following a few stray hoots and hollers, the band resumed their set of popular cover songs. The music brought back memories, most of them positive for a change. A majority of the diverse crowd had been lured onto the dance floor by the familiar songs. I was an exception, lounging in a shadowy corner booth, my feet keeping time to the beat.

“Can I get you another?” the flashy server asked through ruby lips.

“Why not?’ I couldn’t remember ever

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