I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,36

find that a little odd?” His eyes locked with mine.

Deciding to ignore his last question, I changed the subject. “I’m shocked your neighbors didn’t call in the reserves last night. We were pretty loud out there.”

“Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing, but I’ll bite. Just remember, I have a long memory and I’m keeping tabs of the questions you ignore.

I rented the entire property until I could find a nicer home. No neighbors are the best neighbors for a werewolf. Don’t tell me you thought I’d choose this primo piece of real-estate as my home sweet home.” He raised a brow.

Catching what must have been a tell-tale look, he added, “You believed this was my permanent bachelor’s cave?”

“Perhaps for a minute, but considering your position in the pack, I assumed it must be a cover or something.” I finished my coffee with a final slurp.

“Maybe another cup?” He stretched as he stood.

“Sorry to interrupt.” Mack poked his head through the door-less frame. “But you two have a plane to catch, and I have an animal park to protect.”

Glad for the reminder and eager for some distance from Zane, I scooted off the bed and padded to my suitcase. “Do I have time to shower?” I hoped so after my late night jog from the tree house.

“Knowing Mack, he’s got us ahead of schedule. Right?” Zane asked.

“As long as you’re at the airport in an hour,” Mack assured.

I stopped, wary. The only major airport that I could think of was Portland International, a good five-plus-hours away. We wouldn’t make it driving. That could mean one thing … my poor stomach.

Alcuin strode through the front door, his sunglasses in place — presenting a very clear confirmation to my travel worries. “It’s quite an exquisite morning,” he said, sounding more like an old school gentleman than a blood sucking fiend.

Seeing my tortured expression, he stepped back. “You’re turning green. I didn’t realize I’d had such a profound effect on you, Doll.”

“Enough with the doll business, vamp. I’m warning you …” Zane growled through clenched teeth.

“Be a good dog and fetch me some breakfast. I don’t feel like hunting right now.” Alcuin crossed his arms. Modeling defiance at its best.

My worry-induced nausea was replaced by awe. Did the vampire have a death wish?

Three, very angry wolf-men glared his direction. I didn’t blame them. Alcuin had pretty much pushed the other species disrespect thing to an all-time low.

“Fetch it yourself, pale-face!” Mack barked, causing his son to crumple to the floor. Michael gripped his sides and rolled around as if in pain. I was getting ready to offer first aide when I realized he was laughing hysterically, not thrashing in agony.

“I was serious about your calling her doll,” Zane choked out between snorts and booming laughter.

Watching the four of them howl at one another was a sight. I didn’t think their comments warranted such a display of hysterics.

“Look at her face,” Alcuin turned toward me. I closed my mouth, but not before realizing it had been hanging open.

“What’s wrong with my face,” I grimaced.

“You don’t know what to make of us.” Alcuin shook his head, his mouth curving into the biggest grin with fangs imaginable.

“All I know is I’m not nervous about my personal sanity. I have four supernatural lunatics that are supposed to be protecting me. Don’t mind me if I look alarmed.” Feeling a sudden sense of righteous authority, I grabbed my clean clothes and stomped to the bathroom, well aware of the gaping mouths that watched my retreat.

Twenty-two minutes later, I emerged dressed and ready to rejoin the men lounging across the tiny front room. Zane was reviewing the wildlife park’s map and filling in father and son about the exhibits. Alcuin sat stone-still on the lumpy sofa.

“Please, join me.” Alcuin patted the cushion next to him. “Yes, you, Doll.”

“How many times …”

“I know. I know. I’m not supposed to call her doll because she’s your princess,” the vampire rumbled at Zane.

“How about you both call me Chloe and then we can stop this nonsense.” The endearing pet names had outworn their cuteness. Zane calling me princess in private was one thing, but this whole vampire werewolf competition was disturbing. Fortunately, from what I’d gathered, their friendship ran deeper than I’d first assumed. It had to run pretty darn deep for them to put up with each other.

“Agreed, Chloe,” Alcuin said with added flourish. “Now, please, come here. I have been warned that if I don’t prepare you for future

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