I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,23

I guessed that would suffice as fiancée in the werewolf world.

“Well, you’re with him a lot at work. I wondered if he’d mentioned me or this future wife.”

“Ladies.” Zane strode up, his Levis embracing every masculine bulge.

I couldn’t tear my eyes from the area just below his belt. I suspected Rhonda was leering too — as if that made it any less unacceptable. By the glint in his eyes, it was easy to see just how aware he was of our staring.

“Zane,” Rhonda purred. “When’s the wedding?”

I froze — my gawking indiscretion all but forgotten. Did this woman have no tact? I wondered how Zane would explain Jazmine.

“Where’d you hear that nonsense?” He asked with obvious irritation.

“Your lady friend called. She happened to mention you were her husband-to-be. For us single girls, it’s a major disappointment.”

“Don’t include me in your disappointed group of single girls,” I quipped.

Zane shot me an “if looks could kill” look. Love you, too, Babe.

Eck! This mind-messaging was becoming as cumbersome as text-messaging. Why couldn’t we just talk like two normal adults? Because we’re not normal adults, I chided myself. One werewolf plus one animal-reading-freak equaled a major mismatch.

“Chloe, we’d better get to work.” He raised his wrist, revealing a watch. “As for future wives, Rhonda; I promise nothing is signed in blood.”

Clasping her hands, Rhonda giggled, unable to hide her pleasure. With a near-perfect runway pivot she spun toward the courtyard, making her exit dramatic as usual.

She, of course, hadn’t picked up on the ominous way he’d said blood.

“I think we need to have our own talk prior to any animal conversations,” Zane said minus any hidden innuendos I could identify.

“Where to?” The stone bench didn’t seem private enough. Too many tourists.

“The wolves. Where else?”

“Where else,” I agreed.


Chapter 9

Zane led the way around the wolf exhibit to a concealed bench at the enclosure’s far end. He motioned for me to sit.

“I’d hate to have you fainting again,” he teased.

“I’m not a child,” I muttered. I was starting to feel like the damsel-in-distress I’d worked so hard not to become.

“Oh, I’m well aware of your womanhood.” He slid close enough that our thighs brushed. The electrical current tingled down my right leg.

“And, I’ve had to catch you more times in two days than I’ve caught any woman in my lifetime.” He grinned. I noticed for the first time just how pointy his incisors were, not full-fledged fangs, but sharp nevertheless.

I tried without success to ignore his closeness. “You wanted to talk, and I’m all ears. By the way, you’re over-using our little mind telepathy thing.”

“I find it very convenient and stimulating.” He sounded like he meant it.

In truth, there was a part of me that found our private communications stimulating as well. Not that I’d let Zane know. That would give him more unwanted power over me.

“Since you’ve seen more than any human should, I’ll give you a rundown of what’s going on. First, you should know, if you haven’t already figured it out, you’re in grave danger.”

“You think?”

Danger pretty much oozed from Zane. Every moment in his presence was dangerous for me. Except I couldn’t quite accept this gorgeous, very human-looking man, was the same monstrous killing machine I’d seen in the clearing.

“For once, can you just listen without getting all defensive?”

I nodded. If I wanted to learn about werewolves and the impact they’d have on my life, I’d have to surrender my sarcasm.

He continued. “As you’ve discovered, I’m not human. I’m a werewolf. I can change at will, anytime, anywhere, and I’m lethal in my changed forms. I protect what is mine with my life, and I destroy anyone or anything that challenges my pack’s safety.”

“Your pack?” I wondered if he’d protect me with his life. So far, he’d proven to be my personal rescuer, a great listener; he’d even called me a good woman. Every time I tried to remain focused on his evilness, I was bombarded by his goodness.

“Werewolves are divided into packs, some larger than others. I’m the Pacific Pack’s Chief Enforcer. I’m second in command to our pack alpha, Logan Sanders, who is running one of our casinos in Vegas. Our pack is the largest on the West Coast. We live along the coast range, in Oregon and Washington, with a small contingent in California and Nevada.

Jazmine, who you were unlucky enough to meet, was selected to be my mate when I was just a pup. She, too, is a purebred. I despise her. There was a time, when we

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