I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,20


This I had to see.

Mr. Werewolf had made it to work after a long night of pillaging and killing. We had a number of things to discuss. First item on my to-discuss-list was his identity — the real one.

After showering in record time, I paid careful attention to applying my makeup just so, enhancing my features. I made up my eyes like I’d seen in a copy of Vogue, giving them a cat-like appearance. I intended to use every possible angle, including my womanly wiles, to persuade Zane into spilling the gory details of his existence.

Any lustful feelings I might have entertained had been severed, right along with the blond stranger’s head.

Following an uneventful commute, I pulled into my usual space, noting the parking lot was already filling up. A steady stream of people flowed through the front entrance. The theory that our summer business faced extinction was proven wrong by the diverse crowd willing to brave the thick morning fog.

Rushing through the gate, I hurried to complete my normal routine. I’d have to forfeit my usual coffee-on-the-bench time — one of the major reasons I was never late. Starting work on the run held no appeal for me.

The moment I spotted Zane talking with Rhonda and Luke, I regretted coming in. My earlier bravado was replaced by a sense of revulsion at the sight of our veterinarian/werewolf. By wearing the extra makeup and sequined jeans I now felt cheap and overdone rather than cute and confident. Who was I kidding? I was way out of my league. Women like Jazmine belonged with wolfy-men like Zane. He’d see right through my little ruse.

Determining I had just minutes, even seconds, before Zane and the others noticed my arrival; I decided to see if Zane’s mental block was operational. Maybe he allowed himself a reprieve from the mental warfare without me around.

I concentrated, pushing away any distracting sounds. It took a second and I was in.

I’ve got to talk with Chloe. She saw me. What am I going to do? Jazmine will find a way to implicate her, especially if I keep avoiding the mating ceremony. How could something so simple turn into such a mess? The meeting is next week. That’s all the time I have…

“Chloe! I didn’t know you were here.” Another employee, John Mitchell, greeted me, looking puzzled by my strange behavior. I was half-hiding behind the wallaby enclosure staring at Zane.

“I figured you’d taken the day off.” He followed the direction of my gaze.

“I should have. It’s so strange without Will.” I hoped John would take that as a cue to move on and mind his own business.

“He was a good guy. Sorry, gotta run! Time to display the babies.” He zigzagged his way through the visitors toward the nursery.

As a longtime employee, John had one of the cushiest jobs in the park. His biggest stressor was ensuring that everyone had a chance to pet the fuzzy critters. I avoided the nursery. Baby animals didn’t have much to say other than feed me; pet me.

Zane on the other hand had quite a bit to say in the short time I’d managed to infiltrate his thoughts. Making sense of his disjointed thinking was a whole different matter.

“I thought I told you to stay home!” Luke, being the first to notice my arrival, scolded. “You’re so damn stubborn, Chloe.”

“Since when is that a problem?” My eyes darted to the spot Zane had been standing. Both he and Rhonda were gone. “Where did my illustrious partner go?”

Luke peered at his always-present clipboard. “Where he’s supposed to be, the exam room. Please don’t tell me you’re still worked up about him,” he paused, looking guilty. “I’m sorry I yelled at you. With Will and all —”

“No.” I stopped him. “You’re right. I was being childish. There’s a serial killer roaming our streets. My issues with Zane are nothing I can’t deal with. Don’t apologize.” I hoped I sounded more sincere than I felt. My problems with Zane were far from over. Oh no, we were just beginning to scratch the surface.

“Good. He’ll be glad you’re here. One of the zebras was limping.”

“I’m on it, and, please, stop worrying about me. Okay?’ I felt bad for Luke. He was a great boss and a good guy. Sometimes I took his kindness for granted.

“You look fantastic. What’s with the makeup?” He gave me a knowing look, tinged with a hint of jealous speculation.

“Can’t a girl play with her cosmetics now and then?” I tried

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