I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,137

did I do?” His problem was with something I’d done. A secret he’d kept about me for me. “Can’t we just forget it?” I pleaded, before realizing the irony of my request. I had no recollection of anything following our blurry wedding ceremony. He was the one who remembered the details.

“Babe, you didn’t do anything. That’s the point. I lied. When you threatened an annulment, I panicked. The mating marks had already …”

Struggling to comprehend, I sat up. “What exactly are you saying? What didn’t I do?”

“You, we, did not make love that night. You’re still a virgin. Please forgive me. I couldn’t lose you. There was too much danger, too much at stake. We needed each other. I couldn’t risk you leaving.”

In one smooth movement, I leapt to my feet, unsure what to do next. This wasn’t some simple white lie. This was a life-altering admission with the potential to disrupt everything I’d grown to accept and love about my life, about Zane.

Still a virgin? No wonder I hadn’t felt anything different that morning. And Zane had sent the sheets to be laundered before I’d had a chance to spot any traditional, telltale signs of our supposed night of passion. There’d been nothing to see, nothing but clean, unblemished sheets.

His words, “I couldn’t risk you leaving” suddenly made sense. He’d needed me for the board meeting and to help investigate the murders. What if he’d been using me all along?

“Chloe, please, you know what we have is real. The marks, your new powers, none of it would have happened if we weren’t fated to be together. You are my mate; my chosen one.” He paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts. Shockingly, he offered, “Explore my memories. Maybe that will set your mind at ease. You’ll see I had the best intentions.”

Facing the lake, I shivered, no longer feeling sexy, but vulnerable in my skimpy bikini. Not able to face him, and uncertain how to respond to his mind-reading suggestion, I hurried to the cabin, keeping my eyes on the ground.

Once inside, I grabbed my pile of new belongings and darted into the second bedroom. The one I’d discovered across the hall from the bathroom. Dumping everything on the bed, I quickly located a pair of underwear, bra, and jogging suit.

Clothes in hand, I crossed the hall and locked the bathroom door. Leaning against the wall, I allowed the tears to fall.

I’d half expected Zane to follow, but he’d stayed behind. Part of me was relieved, but a bigger part was disappointed. He should have pursued me. He should be begging my forgiveness. Not that I’d accept his apology. How could I?

A few minutes later, the shower was massaging the kinks out of my neck with strong streams of near-boiling water. My skin was developing a pinkish hue from the blissfully brutal heat. I wanted the temperature hot enough to burn away the pain in my heart. If only it was that easy.

The fact remained: I loved my brutish, bossy, lying, but deliciously desirable werewolf. He’d been willing to open his mind to my probing, giving me access to all his darkest secrets. Would I be willing to do the same?

I didn’t like my answer.

Gazing down at my mating sigils, I watched the soapy water slide over them, pooling at my ankles, all the while wishing they’d offer some cosmic cure for my latest impasse.

But I knew better. The one with the cure was me.

Chapter 5333

Dressed in the designer jogging suit, with my curls cascading like an untamed mane around my face and down my back, I looked like what Melanie had always referred to as Lady Diva All-natural. All through high school, she’d been jealous of my ability to appear exotic without any help from the cosmetic counter, where she’d spent countless hours trying on every shade known to woman to highlight her plainer features.

I missed my friend.

I could use a female’s listening ear right now. Positive girl time was way overdue. One of my top priorities after returning home and calling my parents would be to contact Melanie. Hopefully, she wasn’t off on some extended promotional tour for her latest book.

Putting thoughts of Melanie on hold, I intended to make peace with my husband. There was a slight problem: He was nowhere to be found.

He’d left a bottle of expensive wine on the counter, and soft music playing in the background. The one ingredient missing was him.

After wandering the house, and then patrolling the grounds, which were,

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