I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,126

not on our side. Logan and James McQuillen are with her now. I’ll identify them as soon as I can. Try to gather any …”

Midsentence, my friends, thrilled by the extensive violence, and no longer able to contain their bloodlust, morphed into the mutants I so feared. Without a glance my direction, they bolted toward the raging bonfire, leaving me in the shadows alone.

Cautious, I picked my way through the grass, staying close to the school’s wall. No one would expect to find me out here. That was something in my favor.

With my back pressed against the cool concrete, I slowed my breathing for what felt like the millionth time, counted to ten, and I launched myself into Stryder’s mind. I located the ideal vantage point behind his eyes, and made sure to block my presence, making certain not to disrupt his efforts, which had paid off noticeably during the time I’d been absent.

He’d organized the defectors and they were advancing stealthily against their former companions.

Bodies and bloody entrails were strewn across the field. I retched, unable to handle the choking stench of blood and smoldering flesh. It seemed the welcoming flames had served as a wicked and effective weapon of deathly destruction.

I tore my attention away from the surrounding horrors, and using Stryder’s keen eyesight and heightened senses, intently sought a glimpse of my mate. It was plain, despite the carnage, our side was winning. A hint of relief heightened my emotions, providing my first twinge of optimism in a long while.

David and his bald men stood steadfast, arms crossed, along the sidelines. Every few seconds, for no observable reason, a mutant would crumple to the ground. I suspected David and his kin were using mental powers similar to my own.

Misty was standing, shoulders thrown back, in scary-wolf monster form on a small mountain of bodies, her howls declaring victory.

Alcuin and Valamir, the two lone vampires, were fighting back to back, brandishing gore-stained blades, and slicing through any rival that dared approach.

Where was Zane?

I counted Mack, Michael, and a purebred I assumed was Rita. They were bloodied, but still fighting impressively. Connie and Deb had joined Styder’s group and were making serious headway.

Still no Zane; it was as if he’d vanished from the scene, but I knew he wouldn’t leave me or his pack mates behind.

An unexpected feeling of despair intruded, demolishing my confidence and drowning the pleasure I’d felt watching my entourage as Valamir referred to them, kick some serious mutant ass.

Chloe … a choked voice whispered into my mind. Is that you? So faint were the words, they barely registered.

Uncertain, I swung to the left and spotted a solitary figure I’d missed at first glance. The person was sprawled on the ground near a tree. Tentacles of incoming fog hovered over the area where he lay, making it difficult to see.

I looked closer.

Zane? No! It couldn’t be.

He was twisted in an unnatural position but had managed to shift back into a human.

Without thought for my own safety, I half ran half stumbled to his fallen form, collapsing on my knees beside him. I slapped a hand over my mouth to stifle the cries of anguish fighting to explode. My mate had taught me well. Even as I stared at his broken and brutalized body, I had enough sense to avoid attracting any unwanted attention.

Understanding that talking would be impossible in his condition, I entered his thoughts. Zane. Oh. My. God. What can I do? You can’t die. I won’t let you. I love you. I need you.

Press your mating mark against mine. Legend says this will heal ...

Unable to finish his instructions, a rasping spasm tore through his chest. Blood spewed from his mouth and nose.

“You will not die! I forbid it!” I heard myself shout as panic threatened to override my senses. I refused to succumb to the old Chloe’s fainting-in-a-time-crisis routine.

I needed to think, to focus. Becoming hysterical was not an option.

Zane wanted me to do something simple. I struggled to organize my jumbled thoughts.

Our marks. He wanted me to join our mating marks.

Spurred to action, I yanked off my shoe and sock and was pushing up my pant leg when Jazmine, in her wolf form, skidded to a stop behind Zane. She changed shapes and faced me as a flawless naked woman, hands on her narrow hips.

“Isn’t that sweet. You were going to activate the healing process,” she paused for effect. “Well, I don’t think so! If I can’t have him; you won’t!”

“Just take

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