I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,122

out a mental probe, hoping to locate my newest allies, informing them the time was now to do what we’d planned all along. There was no response. I hoped they’d found a way to escape. If not, we’d have to attack without them.

Be ready, Chloe. Valamir’s circling around to teleport you away from the frontline. I can’t fight and worry about you.

What? I screamed into his mind. They needed me. My mind magic was vital to our winning. What was he thinking? He clearly wasn’t.

It’s temporary. Just until we remove some of the danger. Don’t worry, Princess, you’ll get your chance to blast their brains.

So not funny.

We’re already taking out mutants around the perimeter.

Zane, some of these women want out of this crazy cult. Please don’t tell me you’re killing at random.

I already thought of that. We’re asking if they want to join us. They have ten seconds to decide. That’s the best we can do.

I froze. Valamir was behind the platform, preparing to grab me. When that happened, all hell would break loose.

Right now, my team was functioning under the radar. They had the advantage. In a few seconds that would all change. And I’d be forced to hitch a ride behind someone’s eyes to see the fight firsthand. That wasn’t good enough.

Before I could gather my thoughts enough to think of an argument that would persuade Zane to change his mind, icy arms pulled me close and I was spinning out of control,. If I had to choose, I’d pick Alcuin as my transportation source. I preferred his less dramatic technique.

“I think I’m going to barf.” Bending over, I clutched my stomach.

Valamir looked at me with a strange intensity. “Please forgive me. I just teleported your entire entourage in one trip. I am a bit unsettled. I promise a better experience in the future.”

I didn’t tell him what I was thinking. Teleporting again, ever, with him, wasn’t on my top ten list of things to do. I hoped Alcuin would prove to be a good guy so I could ride home with him.

Straightening to my full height, I cautiously took in my surroundings, almost afraid to see where he’d delivered me.

“No way, uh uh. I am not staying down here. Whose idea was this?” I demanded at the sight of my familiar basement room/cell.

“I was instructed to place you somewhere no one would expect to find you. I didn’t realize you had an intimate relationship with this room. Again, I apologize.”

“Don’t apologize. Move me! Anywhere but here. Please!” I’d begged Valamir earlier to return and help me. Had I known this would be his ultimate act of kindness, I’d have kept my mouth shut.

“I must go. They are in danger. I will return for you as your mate permits.”

As always, he disappeared in a cloud of pretty particles, leaving me in my dreaded dorm room alone.

I knew something he didn’t.

I was no longer that timid and terrified girl Zane had dragged to Vegas.

I was a confident and cunning woman with skills. Supernatural skills that just might be what saved all the tough guys’ supernatural asses.

Oh no, I wouldn’t be here waiting like a good little girl for Zane’s approval and Valamir’s arrival.

I’d be on the bloodstained battlefield with the rest of my entourage well before my motherly mate deemed it safe enough for me to return.

No way was I missing the final showdown. I had a serious score to settle.

Not even Jazmine’s surrender would suffice.

I was seeking absolute silence.

With her mouth shut permanently, I’d be satisfied.

Chapter 4628

“Chloe, is that you?” a muffled voice put a rapid halt to my vengeful thinking.

I turned expecting to see one of my former roommates behind me. “Deb? Connie?” I questioned the silent room, listening intently. It was impossible to gauge where the voice had originated.

Besides my ragged breathing, the other perceptible sound came from just outside the door.

I remembered with horror the first time I’d seen the entrance to my room. The deep gouges had supplied the visual evidence of some sadistic monster’s attempts to tear through the door.

What I heard right now sounded like something making forceful strokes — like razor-sharp claws scraping the door’s full length.

The image sent a spike of terror through my chest. Being mauled to death when freedom had been so close was unacceptable.

Using my mind magic, I thrust my mental feelers out and into the formidable enemy’s thoughts now ripping at the door, like a dog digging for its long lost bone.

Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill Ki

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