I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,12

sorry. Did I miss something?” Now I was baffled. I barely knew Zane Marshall. Although, I was beginning to hope that would change despite my internal warning system flashing red.

“We both care about animals. We’ve determined we enjoy food, and we like each other.” His expression dared me to say otherwise.

“I think you’re overestimating our very short acquaintance. To be honest, earlier, I was leaning toward the not-liking-you side. Your car caught my attention, though. Oh, and the fact you kept me from getting mauled and crushed helped.”

“See! We both like my car!” He laughed loud enough that a few heads turned our direction. He lowered his voice, “I do like you, Chloe. I have what you might call a sixth sense about people. You’re a good woman, but you don’t believe it.”

Stunned by his assessment, and how close our faces were, I pulled back. No one had ever called me a good woman, and he was right, believing it wasn’t easy for me. My former teenage confidence had diminished after my dramatic breakup with Jordon, amongst other things better forgotten.

Not comfortable with the emotions he’d triggered, and intending to keep my commitment by paying my own tab, I reached for my purse.

“I don’t believe in going Dutch.” He pulled a shiny gold card from his wallet.

“Oh, I see.” My protective defenses slammed into place. “Women aren’t capable of paying their own way. You think I’m some damsel in distress looking for a big strong man to save me.”

My comment drew the ire of two older women seated at the table next to us. They looked appalled by my outburst.

I had no reference point for Zane. A man who looked like a movie star, but was also insightful, humorous, and seemed to care, was beyond comprehension.

Too good to be true was exactly that: too good to be true.

I’d been hurt by a so-called perfect man once before. It wouldn’t happen again.

“How was your lunch?” A pretty waitress accepted his card. Like every woman who came within ten feet of Zane, she made no attempt to hide her approval.

Crossing my arms, I waited, wishing I’d driven. Oh, no; I just had to ride in the Corvette.

When the waitress returned, she scribbled what I imagined was her phone number, before handing over the receipt. Zane gave her a blinding smile.

What a dog! I thought. Typical male.

Luke was going to have to choose between his newest employee and me after all. Plum Beach Wildlife Park wasn’t big enough for both of us. I hoped my seniority and Luke’s long-term crush would give me the edge I needed.

We’d know soon enough.

Chapter 54

Managing to remain silent on our drive back to the park was more difficult than I’d expected. Zane, on the other hand, seemed unaffected by my simmering rage. His slight grin signaled he was enjoying life — including no significant worries about my unpredictable emotions. He tried once to apologize. I didn’t give him a chance.

Pressed against the passenger door, I pictured myself with steam shooting out my ears and a torrent of unladylike words pouring from my mouth. Instead, I kept my mouth clamped shut and plotted what I’d say to Luke when I issued my ultimatum.

Zane broke the silence, his smile vanishing. “Not good.”

Startled, I peered out the window. There were three police cruisers and one unmarked car by the wildlife park’s front entrance. People milled around, some looking dazed.

Zane parked and we waited by his car.

“Not good at all,” I agreed, wondering if one of our predators had somehow gotten loose and attacked a visitor. A vision of a vicious Butch the Lion crossed my mind.

Spotting Zane’s car, Luke broke away from the group and jogged over. “Chloe, I don’t know how to tell you this.” He kept his head down, unable to make eye contact.

“What?” Panic’s cold hand squeezed my windpipe. I gasped, but couldn’t catch my breath.

The last thing I saw before succumbing to darkness was Zane’s face leaning over me.


“She’s coming around,” a relieved voice announced.

My first thought was one of absolute embarrassment. I’d swooned in front of half the town, a ton of tourists, law enforcement officials, and worst of all — Zane — had once again caught me in his arms. That thought gave me a twinge of unwanted pleasure.

“What happened?” I remembered why I’d had a panic attack in the first place. Luke had been sharing bad news. When no one answered, I pushed myself into a sitting position. “Please, I’m fine.”

Glancing around the

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