I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,118

I hoped I’d earn points for honesty. I had not a clue what he’d been rambling about for the past ten minutes.

“If you’d listened, you might have learned something.” He shook his head. “No problem, we’ll chat over dinner. Won’t you join me at the table? I’m sure you’ll see the reasoning behind what might look otherwise …”

Jazmine blurted, her eyes on fire, “Why explain anything to her? As soon as Zane comes for her, she’s dead. And I’m doing the killing.” She was vibrating, ready to shift.

“Think again, bitch!” Misty snarled, infuriated. “This vampire isn’t going to be able to hold me much longer.”

“Enough!” Logan roared. “Jazmine, I am in charge here, just in case you’ve forgotten. I will handle all matters related to this lovely lady.” His eyes made a quick, but deliberate sweep of my most female assets. “And, Misty … my little sister, I regret to say this, but I fear I must. Another outburst from you and your blood will be nourishing the ground we stand on.”

A sudden, heartbreaking shadow darkened Misty’s face, one of making her appear like a baby sister whose big brother had just abandoned her to a pack of rabid mutants. I yearned to comfort her.

As we made our way back to the platform, I sent a message. Misty, I am so sorry. We’ll make it out of here. I promise. Be ready for anything, and remember, you’ve got a family with me and Zane. I had no way to measure the impact of my words. I prayed that they provided some sort of assurance.

From atop the dais, Logan extended his hand. I grudgingly allowed him to pull me to the table and seated myself amongst what amounted to werewolf royalty. I was far from impressed.

I was worried and afraid, afraid I couldn’t keep the two promises I’d made: one to Joshua Smart, and one to Misty.

A vision of the mutant at Luke’s abandoned cabin, eyes glazed in death, flared to life in my mind like a movie screen in a dark theatre. I was a killer. The truth no longer repelled me. It gave me a sense of power. I could and would protect those dear to me.

I’d kill again, without hesitation, to ensure my promises were fulfilled.

Chapter 4427

I couldn’t help wondering if the renewed determination I felt was reflected on my face.

Jazmine continued to glare, while Logan and Martin made a show of enjoying the feast (blood saturated meat) that was delivered to our table courtesy of several attractive mutant women still remaining in their human forms.

A majority of the captives had shifted and were frolicking in the moonlight, unaware of the inevitable conflict.

Refusing Logan’s halfhearted solicitations to tempt me with food, I allowed my powers to roll over the area, seeking any new or concealed supernatural elements.

With no new blips on my mental radar, I turned my attention to Logan, who made Zane’s table manners seem impeccable. “I’m ready to hear about your unholy alliance.” I glared with venom at Jazmine, who slurped blood off her fingers.

“You are disgusting. What a pity that this is the last meal you’ll enjoy,” I said through clenched teeth. I was banking on Logon’s promise to protect me from her sure to be violent response.

As expected, she lunged across the table, and was subdued by her own two guards, who now appeared to defer to Logon.

“Undoubtedly, our guest needs some attention.” Logan suggested with a smile.

Jazmine sulked, and Alcuin and Misty appeared baffled by Logan’s sudden surge of friendliness. Martin remained indifferent, still ripping his blood-soaked dinner from a bone.

I wasn’t fooled. The Alpha was hoping to sweeten whatever deal he planned to offer in hopes of gaining access to my powers. I’d play along to gather my own intelligence.

Scanning the faces, I noted the one empty place setting. We were minus our sixth dinner companion. “Are you expecting someone else?”

Logan, cheery grin still intact, nodded. “A person I’m confident you will remember, but I’ll start without him.

A purebred, loyal to our pack, was visiting your wildlife park and overheard a conversation that piqued his interest. In response, I sent Zane to search for you and investigate your town’s unfortunate increase in murders.” He gave Jazmine a meaningful look. “Regrettably, for Jazmine, Zane fell for you in the process, adding additional complications to our already complicated situation.”

“He’ll return to me,” Jazmine said sounding unconvinced.

Logan sneered, “You keep believing that, Jaz. Anyway, one of our Native American brothers discovered an ancient document, referring

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