I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,110

alive? The not-knowing kept my stomach in knots. I was more worried about my friends back home than myself.

I’d spent countless hours trying to determine who’d betrayed my whereabouts to Jazmine. Alcuin was the only one who’d been aware of my exact location. He’d arranged everything from the hotel room to my car rental. Luke had known my general travel plans. Unless Alcuin had revealed my detailed plans to an unknown person, it had to be my vampire friend. No matter what, he was somehow responsible.

To make matters worse, he possessed the sketches from Joshua Smart’s journal.

What if he failed to pass them onto Zane and the others, and instead turned them over to our enemies?

I hoped David and his ilk would find a way to intercept the drawings. The cloaked crusaders had proven to be resourceful and discreet, impressing me at every turn. I had to believe they were out there somewhere working on my behalf. I wished that David would take me on another guided dream quest. I’d drifted to sleep each night with the expectation of such an encounter, only to awaken disappointed.

Promising Connie I wouldn’t try anything drastic, I’d been the picture of an obedient captive for the past three days. She, on the other hand, had been free from the room on a number of occasions, with her beastly beau, Dillon, whom I liked as much as I could under the circumstances.

At the moment, the two were off wherever it was they went for their rendezvous. I didn’t understand why Deb didn’t report their dalliances. Maybe she’d use their relationship for blackmail at a later date. Connie wasn’t worried, though. If Dillon thought something was safe so did she.

I disagreed, but kept my opinions to myself.

Any comment she perceived as negative about her man was defended with great vigor. Creating tension between us wasn’t worth my efforts. The last thing I needed was my ally seeing me as a threat to her happiness.

Deb, my closest real threat, was sorting her meager belongings. She hadn’t said much to me since my arrival, and I didn’t expect it to change now. I’d listened in on her thoughts a number of times.

She spent a majority of time reading or reminiscing about her childhood, which had been ideal until she was bitten at fourteen by an uncle. Jazmine controlled Deb with the promise of revenge. She wanted her uncle to suffer for ruining her life.

When she spoke to me, I was shocked. “Would you like any of my books?” She motioned to the tower of paperbacks on her dresser.

Not wanting to appear ungrateful before she reunited upstairs with Jazmine, I nodded and wandered over, making a show of examining the covers. “Spicy stuff.” That was an understatement.

“Wouldn’t have it any other way.” She continued folding.

Not sure what to say, I grabbed the pile and plopped back on my bunk.

The book covers featured gorgeous women embraced in passion by muscle-bound men. A number of the titles included the word desire. My breath caught in my throat at the sight of a male cover model who reminded me of Zane.

“See something you like?” Deb was by my side before I’d processed her moving. It was the first time either of my cellmates had displayed their mutant powers. I’d almost forgotten they weren’t human.

Embarrassed, I hugged the book to my chest.

“Don’t think you’ll win this battle,” she growled, changing the subject. Her eyes flashed crimson. “Jazmine always gets what she wants.”

She snatched the book away, scanning the cover. “Ah, isn’t he adorable? He looks an awful lot like a photo my Mistress keeps. Is he worth your life?”

I paused. Was he?

I’d better know what exactly I was fighting for, because it was time to make a stand. Ignoring Connie’s warnings, I rose to my feet; certain Deb could smell my fear.

“Is Jazmine worth yours?” I grabbed the book back. “You think she’ll keep her promise, help you destroy your uncle, think again. She’s using you like she uses everyone else. You’re nothing special to her, just another means to an end. She’d use your uncle against you if it served her purpose.” The venom in my words surprised both of us. She took a step back, eyes wide.

“How … how did you know that?” Confusion was painted across her face.

“You can’t trust her. She keeps putting you off, doesn’t she?” I’d latched onto her first thought following my verbal assault, learning that Jazmine had promised Deb, multiple times, that they’d start pursuing

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