I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,107

in my life was making sense anyway.

I stuffed my travel bag under my ultra-thin pillow and turned on my side, making sure to face my two roommates. My stepdad had taught me the importance of that timeless trick. Having my back to them wasn’t an option, not if I wanted to ensure I was alive tomorrow.

Deb was buried in her book, and Connie was stretched out on her back, eyes closed. I had no clue what time it was. All I cared about was getting some much-overdue sleep, before I made more mistakes to regret later.

* * *

I trudged behind the repugnant, cloaked, bald man, David. We stopped at a square opening in the floor. Stairs, steep as a ladder, started at the opening’s top, and disappeared into darkness below.

Somehow, I knew I was dreaming, but this was much more than any ordinary dream. It was a vision. Understanding how or why it was happening wasn’t important; I was along for the journey.

“Follow me,” David said, before descending with an uncanny ease not customary for a human being.

Clinging to a lone handrail, I followed him down the narrow steps carefully. Every few seconds the building would shift, just enough to mess with my equilibrium. As clumsy as I am, any rocking motion has a potentially negative side effect. Staying upright was my current priority.

“Not a building, friend, this is a boat. A barge to be exact,” my companion explained using his telepathic ability to communicate. He’d read my mind. In his case, I didn’t mind the intrusion.

I reached the stair’s final level. It was then I realized where we were. A barge. David had just stated we were in a barge.

Yes! That had to be it. I had a vague memory about a barge. I’d heard something before this. At last I’d uncovered a major-connect-the-dots moment.

The mutant guard, Dante, had mentioned a barge right before he died.

Shivering, I pushed the image of his smoking chest from my mind, and turned my attention solely to my guide, who was traveling down a corridor lined with medical equipment and supplies.

We reached a double door with two glass windows. David floated up until he was level with the windows.

“How did you … never mind.” What was a little levitating in my already crazy vision?

I peered through the opposite window into the medical facility beyond. I recognized the location. I’d seen it before, in the mind of Martin’s dog.

Without a sound, David entered the room, his cloak ruffling as he brushed by. Not sure what else to do, I followed him through the rows of beds. A number were empty, but at least ten or more had patients strapped to them.

“Just watch, listen,” David instructed.

No one seemed the least bit aware of our presence. We were invisible; I hoped invincible too. Without superpowers, I didn’t want to face the mutant sentries posted through the room.

Inspecting a patient, Jasmine leaned closer. He was twisting and pulling at his restraints, frantic to escape.

“He’s turning! After the last few, I was getting worried.” She applauded, her excitement palpable.

“Didn’t I tell you not to worry?” Martin rested a tentative hand on her elbow.

Keeping her eyes on the bed, she sidestepped his touch and leaned closer to their writhing patient.

Martin appeared hurt, humiliated even, like she’d slapped him in front of their closest associates. It was far more obvious here, in the vision, just how consumed Martin was with the more dominant Jazmine. It was pathetic watching him grovel for her affection.

Someone nearby called for water. Unlike the thrashing man who’d won Jazmine’s approval, this patient was calm and composed despite his precarious position.

Martin’s German Shepherd, who I’d failed to notice at first glance, growled a warning deep in his chest, reminding me of Zane.

Even in my dream state, Zane still intruded. He’d beguiled and branded me forever with his kisses and sensuous caresses. As hard as I tried to fight the pull, the truth was in front of me like a larger than life 3D movie.

I belonged with him. I wanted to be his mate; his wife; his companion.

An infuriated command from Jazmine pierced through my passion-filled ponderings. “Kill him! He’s going to become one of them. There’s too many! We …”

A guard charged forward, pistol pointed at the bunk.

It was empty.

The thirsty patient had vanished. The restraints remained intact. He’d disappeared from the room.

“Find him!” Jazmine bellowed, shoving Martin aside when he tried once again to comfort her. “I want David dead! Now!”

I spun to face my

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