I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,100

“We have someone to meet.” She continued to stand — bare ass naked — like it was the most natural thing in the world to carry on a conversation in-the-buff.

The men didn’t seem to mind, although they made a point of keeping their eyes diverted, glancing rarely at their mistress. She appeared not to notice, though I expected she enjoyed tempting them. Look, but don’t let me catch you looking. Touch, and I’ll kill you — double messages to die for.

I couldn’t help thinking that with a body like hers, I just might consider parading around naked too; although chitchatting with an enemy while undressed, not my style, no matter how luscious my curves.

Jazmine snapped her fingers and the tallest guard pulled a bag from under the desk. She snatched up her wig from the floor by the bed where it had fallen. It needed some serious grooming.

The detestable mutant duo must have anticipated her need for new clothing and packed accordingly. From what I’d observed, werewolves had serious anger issues. They were impulsive too. No wonder she had to carry double the outfits wherever she went. Every temper tantrum would require fresh, non-tattered attire.

I couldn’t think about Jazmine’s anger issues without my thoughts returning to Zane. I hoped again that he wouldn’t let his anger shut me out. I needed him now more than ever, especially since I was uncertain that anyone but Zane, or maybe Logan, could deal with Jazmine. She was a real live menace, naked or not.

As she dressed, I finished packing and was able to stuff my cell phone inside my bra without drawing attention, thanks to a little trick I’d used in high school to avoid my stepdad’s detection. Bob had been prone to purse checks, for my own good, of course. He didn’t think cell phones were appropriate until adulthood. One evening, he’d caught on to my charade when my shirt started rumbling.

This time, if I remembered right, I’d left my current phone on the silent mode following the jaunt to Joshua Smart’s mental hospital. And to my benefit, my captors were not nearly as attentive as I’d anticipated. I’d already confiscated two items of importance. I wasn’t sure how or when I’d use them, but if windows kept opening, I’d keep crawling through.

“Give your bag to the guys.” Jasmine ordered, again looking her impeccable self.

With the wig in place, she gathered the shredded pieces of her former outfit and stuffed them in her expensive tote. She checked the bathroom, looked under the bed, in the trash baskets, and closets. “Nothing left. Let’s go.” She dismissed me with rude hand gesture.

The tallest mutant picked up her carrier and collected my bag too, leaving the number two flunky to open the door.

Jazmine stepped through, hesitated, then whirled back to face me. “Here are the rules. You will act like a normal human heading out for some morning sightseeing. Bradley will make sure your car is returned to the appropriate rental retailer and we’ll ride in the limo.”

“One little warning,” she lowered her voice. “Don’t try anything out of the ordinary that might draw attention to us. I’d prefer not to kill you, but don’t doubt that I will. I want you away from my future mate, understand? But from what I’ve heard, you might be useful to have around.”

I nodded, hoping I looked agreeable.

It was a good thing she couldn’t hear my thoughts. Because there was no way I’d step aside for her to claim my husband, regardless of our current unspeaking and un-mind-reading status. I loved him. I’d determined that much.

She also knew something about my abilities. I wasn’t sure how, or from whom she’d gathered her information, or how she’d even located me. I hoped that her earlier mental blunder was evidence that she still lacked a full understanding of my capabilities. As long as she didn’t know I could read her thoughts, there remained another possible window for me to escape through. I’d take all the windows of opportunity I could get.

We made it to the limo without incident. Bradley sped away in the car I’d been so eager to drive to my parents. Relaxed against the plush leather seat, Jasmine kicked off her shoes and leaned forward. “I’m sure you understand that Zane is mine regardless of your one-night-stand-wedding. We’ve been pledged to each other since we were pups. It’s critical we’re mated. He is the rightful alpha, you know?” She said pausing to peer at her fingernails.

Hoping to hide

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