I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,10

you?” he teased.

“What did you expect, another pining woman?” Why did I feel the need to be so mean? He’d saved my life — two times. It wasn’t his fault more of my coma-acquired-gift was being unwrapped without my permission.

“Chloe, I’ve managed to offend you. I’m sorry. I’d hoped for a compatible partnership with a coworker. I’m guessing that’s not in the stars.” He sounded disappointed.

Before I could process his apology, he reached for my hand. “Hello, my name is Zane Marshall. Can we start over?”

The moment our hands touched an electrical current coursed through my veins like an illicit drug. I quizeredquivered as I stumbled backward, almost falling. The strained look on his face was evidence enough that he, too, had felt the intoxicating sensation.

As much as I hated to admit it, there was something both alluring and odd about Zane Marshall. And I was desperate to know more.

Zane tensed. Our moment ended as Rhonda, a cat in heat, sashayed toward us,

“How’s it going? Enjoying your tour?”

“Very much so.” His eyes traveled down my frame, lingering on my breasts then legs. My face burned in what was surely a very brazen blush. I doubted my darker coloring could hide my heated reaction this time around. I didn’t care.

It gave me an odd sense of power to see him focused on me with the curvy, platinum-blonde batting her lashes. When Rhonda found a man she wanted, she made no effort to hide her intentions. Zane was the latest man on her hit list of hunks.

“What are you doing for lunch?” Her question was for Zane alone. She made that clear by sliding closer to him while ignoring my presence. I should have been happy to see him vanish for awhile, but instead, an unexpected stab of jealousy pierced between my ribs.

The next words tumbled out of my mouth shocking us all. “Zane’s having lunch with me. We’ve still got some animals to visit anyway.” I waited for his sure-to-follow rejection. Why would he want to have lunch with a sourpuss like me when Rhonda would stroke his ego and a whole lot more if he desired.

“That’s right, I’m sorry, but Chloe and I have more work to complete before we can head out. If you’d like to join us, it’ll be awhile.” His attempt at diplomacy was lost on Rhonda.

Her face scrunched into a mask of fury.

I knew right then that our treaty of common dislike had just expanded to hatred on her part. I’d have to watch my back more than ever.

“I’ll take a rain check.” She softened her features before turning to smile at Zane, and then strode away, making sure to sway her ample hips.

“Wow — is she always like that?” Zane grimaced.

“Do I have to answer?” I tried to conceal the excitement I felt knowing that this Hercules of a Man preferred me over a sure roll in the sack. This latest development added to my growing belief that there was more to Dr. Marshall than I’d originally thought.

“So, you’re treating me to lunch?” His face lit up with a boyish grin that just about won me over on the spot.

“Co-workers go Dutch. That’s the rule around here,” I joked

“Fair enough. I saw a little seafood place down the road.”

“Which one?” This was the Oregon Coast. Seafood was the main staple. Where was this guy from anyway — Mars? I’d once read a book about men being from Mars.

He seemed to catch my attempt at humor slash sarcasm. “All right now, play nice. I’m the outsider. You pick.”

Twenty minutes later, we were seated across from each other at the Plum Beach Fish and Steak House. I eyed the menu, trying to keep from gawking at Zane, who looked larger than life in the small booth. Every female in the place was stealing glances our way. Zane seemed oblivious to the attention, another plus for my new partner.

An afternoon newsbreak filled the flat screens mounted on various walls throughout the restaurant. Several patrons called for the staff to turn up the volume.

Police Chief, Robert Daily, dabbing his face with a handkerchief, waited behind the podium, prepared to make an official statement. He shuffled through a pile of papers. Another man, wearing a tasteful business suit that boasted a major designer’s label, waited nearby. He gripped his own stack of papers.

I didn’t recognize him. Of the two men, he appeared the calmest.

“Friends,” Chief Daily began. “It is times like these, when drawing closer as a community is more

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