I Just Need You - J. Nathan Page 0,75

for me in the maintenance room in the basement. She and Alice were devastated that I’d be finishing the school year online. We’d become close, and I was the most entertainment they’d had in a long time.

I pulled down the lights that wrapped around my room, twisting them into a ball and tucking them into a box. I climbed onto my bed and stood on the now bare mattress. I reached up and pulled off the glow-in-the-dark stars one at a time. These were coming home with me. If I wasn’t going to be able to see Tristan for a while, at least I’d have the stars to remind me of him.

He’d been packing the car for me, making me stay in my room. He was driving me home, which made me feel better. I didn’t want to say goodbye to him here. I wanted him all to myself and safe at my house.

My phone rang and I jumped, expecting the worst. But it was Elodie’s name that appeared on the screen. I released a breath and answered it. “Hi.”

“Le fou de fortune,” the Frenchman said.

A cold shiver surged through me. “Where’s Elodie?”

“Is that your friend with the glasses?”

My heart thrashed inside my chest. “Where is she?”

“Talk to her,” his voice ordered cruelly.

“I’m so sorry, Kresley,” she whimpered, the sound ripping my heart in two.

“Where are you?” I asked, desperate to help her.

“That’s enough,” the Frenchman snapped, cutting off our conversation.

“Don’t hurt her. She has nothing to do with this,” I pled.

“Oh. I’m so glad you’re seeing things my way, le fou de fortune.”

“What do you want?”

“Well, you of course,” he said.

“Where are you?”

“Oh, so eager,” he purred. “I’m right here. So close to seeing you once again.”

“Where?” I practically screamed, losing any calm that remained inside me.

“The basement. Come alone, or I won’t hesitate for even a second to end her life.”

My stomach dropped along with the floor beneath my feet. “How can I come alone? I have security who won’t let me out of their sight.”

“Oh, you’re creative. You’ll figure something out…”

Elodie cried out as he disconnected the call.

Shit, shit, shit!

I knew it was stupid to go down there alone. I knew with every fiber of my being that it was the stupidest idea ever. But my friend’s life was on the line. And she had nothing to do with this. Just like Doris at the shelter, I brought danger to her because of my need to live a normal life. My selfish need to live a normal life. But I knew now, I was never going to be able to do that. It was just a fairy tale I’d made up in my head. But my life wasn’t a fairy tale. It was a nightmare.

And despite every fiber of my being telling me to call for help, I needed to stop this.

I needed to do the right thing for Elodie. Not the right thing for me.

I rushed over to my bed with my heart in my throat. I dropped to my knees and reached underneath the mattress, grasping around until I felt the cold metal of the gun Tristan had given me after target practice. I pulled it from the bottom of my mattress and held it in my palm. My hand shook so wildly I almost dropped it.

Would I even be able to pull the trigger?

My knees wobbled as I stood up and tucked the gun into the back of my jeans, making sure my shirt concealed it. I lifted the box that was on my bed, took it to the door, and knocked, letting Briggs know I needed him.

He opened the door. “What’s up?”

“Can you please bring this down to Tristan?”

“Why can’t you give it to him when he gets back?” he asked.

“Ummm.” I swallowed, my nerves wearing thin. “I’m scared and I just want to get out of here.”

He cocked his head. “You know I’m not supposed to leave my post.”

“Please, Briggs,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady as my pulse slammed beneath my skin. “I just really want to be done here.”

His eyes narrowed. “Fine. But don’t open this door for anyone.”

“Thank you, Briggs,” I said, both relieved and terrified. He took the box from my hands and waited for me to close the door before heading downstairs.

Once I was alone, I dragged in a deep breath, waited for thirty seconds, then opened my door. I looked out into the hallway. No one was around, so I ran to the stairwell

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