I Just Need You - J. Nathan Page 0,69

amazing surprise. I loved that she never acted like a billionaire’s daughter. I also loved that this wasn’t the surprise.

Briggs cut the engine.

“Wait here for second,” I said to Kresley.

She nodded, knowing we had protocols, especially now.

I stepped out and spoke to Briggs who’d joined me outside with the bag I’d packed over his shoulder. “Bring the bag to the boat and double check that Roger’s the captain. Then sweep the boat for bugs and explosives.”

“You sure you don’t want me on there with you?” he asked.

“I’ve got it covered.”

“If you’re not back by sundown, I’m coming with backup,” he assured me.

“It’ll be fine,” I assured him.

He nodded then took off for the boat.

I walked over to Kresley’s door and opened it, holding my hand out for her. “Sorry about that.”

She grasped my hand and let me pull her out. The sun was not quite overhead, given it wasn’t even ten, but there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. “Should I have brought my bathing suit?”

“Maybe next time,” I said, walking her toward the boats.

“There’s gonna be a next time?” she asked, totally fishing for assurances.

“I guess we’ll have to see how this date goes.”

She playfully bumped me with her hip, sending me off balance.

I laughed, following Briggs who checked the area around us, while I did the same. We made our way down Pier C until we stood at the end.

Kresley’s eyes moved over the sixty-foot yacht in front of us. “Are we going on this one?”

I nodded, watching for her reaction.

“It’s beautiful.”

“I worked security on it last summer. The owner got into a lot of trouble and owed me a favor…or ten.”

She laughed.

“He lent me his boat and his captain.”

“Tristan, that you?” Roger called out from the captain’s chair on the top level. He wore a white captain’s hat that had seen better days. But it fit the whole drunken captain persona he had going on.

“How’s it going, Captain?” I called up.

“Well, the dick isn’t sailing today and you are, so I’d say it’s a step in the right direction.”

I laughed. “Yeah, well that dick gave me the boat for the day. So, I’m going to have to refrain from insulting him.”

Roger swatted his hand at the air. “Who’s this beauty you’ve got with you?”

“This is Kresley.”

Roger stood, removed his hat, and bowed to her, totally overdoing it. But drunken sea captain’s loved beautiful women. And Kresley was definitely a beautiful woman. “Pleased to make your acquaintance,” he said.

Kresley curtsied, totally playing along. “The pleasure is all mine, Captain.”

“I like her,” Roger said with a bounce to his brows as he returned his hat to his head. “Alrighty. Stop lollygagging and get aboard so we can set sail.”

I helped Kresley aboard and jumped on after. We moved to the back to a white leather sofa seat which seemed like the best place to take in the beautiful Saturday morning.

“Two things I love?” she asked, her brows raised in question as the boat purred to life.

“The ocean,” I explained.

“That’s only one,” she said, still trying to figure out my cryptic clue.

I draped my arm around her shoulders and pulled her into my side. “You’ll find out soon.”

She slipped off her shoes and tucked her legs up under her, relaxing into me. “Thank you, Tristan.”

I didn’t say anything, hoping if she liked this so much, she’d love the real surprise.


He’d taken me on a boat. I hated that he felt like he needed to do something extravagant for our first date. I would’ve been happy getting takeout and watching a movie—as long as he was with me. I thought he understood that. But he’d gone to great lengths to make this day happen, so I’d never let on that I didn’t need all this.

“Where’d you grow up?” I asked as the captain pulled out into open waters.

“Not too far from you in Monterey.”

“Where was your military school?”


“Did they have sports and stuff like other schools?” I asked, curious about what it was like.

He nodded.

“I bet you played football.”

He smirked. “Running back.”

“I would’ve loved to see you play. I loved high school football games.”

“Don’t tell me you were a cheerleader.”

I shook my head. “Just a fan. What do you think it would’ve been like if we met back then?” I asked.

“I would’ve thought you were hot.”

I rolled my eyes.

“Then I would’ve tried to get your best friend’s number just to piss you off.”

“You’re such a jerk.”

He shrugged.

“So, why piss me off?” I asked. “Why not just ask for my number?”

“Come on,

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