I Just Need You - J. Nathan Page 0,64

was trained on me. “Is this why you want to go back to school? Is this why you won’t stay home where it’s safe?”

“No,” I assured him. “I have a life there. I have friends. I’m safe with everything I do. And I’m months away from graduating.”

“Kresley, someone just came after you,” my mother argued.

I knew my parents worried about me. Hell, I was worried too. But I couldn’t live my life in fear. I had security looking out for me. And, despite what happened yesterday, there was no saying anyone else would be coming for me.

Tristan placed his hand on my shoulder, giving me his assurance that I was doing the right thing, and spoke to my parents. “I care about your daughter and won’t let anything happen to her.”

“We don’t doubt your intent,” my mother said to him. “It’s the fact that we can’t be sure how well you’ll do your job if she becomes a distraction for you. She’s our only child, and the thought of anything else happening to her keeps us awake at night.”

“I understand,” Tristan said. “But if I find myself becoming distracted, I’ll resign. I’d never do anything to put Kresley in danger. You have my word.”


“Well, that went well,” Kresley said from the passenger seat as we drove back to Remington that night.

“Are you joking?”

She shook her head. “No, they like you. I can tell.”

“I’ve never met the parents after I’d already met the parents.”

Kresley laughed. “Well, you did a great job.”

An hour into the drive home, I glanced over at Kresley who’d become quiet. Her head rested against the window and her eyes were closed. After her restless sleep last night, I knew it was just a matter of time before she’d crash. I lowered the radio and continued to drive in silence. I noticed a party supply store coming up on my left and hit my blinker, pulling into the parking lot and parking the car. Briggs pulled up next to me, probably wondering what the hell I was doing. I glanced to Kresley who was still asleep and switched off the engine. “I’ll be right back,” I whispered.

I stepped out, asking Briggs to hang with the car. I was in and out of the store in five minutes, tucking the small bag containing my purchase into the back of the car so Kresley couldn’t see what I’d bought.

When we were back on the road, she glanced to me. “You gonna tell me what you needed at a party supply store?” she asked, all raspy and sleepy.

Dammit. I didn’t think I woke her. “Nope.”

“So, you’re gonna keep secrets from me?”


She shook her head. “Good relationships are based on trust.”

“And sex.”

She rolled her eyes. “So, you’re using me for my body? That’s what this is?”

“I’m a body guard, baby. It’s in the job title.”

Her mouth dropped open. “Oh my God.”

I laughed “What?”

“You were right. I might not like you the more I get to know you.”

“Take that back,” I ordered.


“Take it back, Kresley or—”

“Or what? The mean Tristan will rear his ugly head?” she asked.

“Oh, he’ll be rearing his head all right.”

She groaned. “Stop. I’m starting to hate you again.”

I laughed, loving that I could tease her and in turn I’d be treated to her smile and sassy ways.

When we returned to the dorm, I asked Briggs to wait for her while she showered, and I ducked into her room. She walked in with her wet hair in a knot on the top of her head as I sat on the edge of her bed.

“What are you doing?” she asked, her eyes moving around her room curiously.

“Just waiting for you.”

She smiled as she walked over to me. I opened my legs and she stood between my knees, wrapping her arms around me. “I’m so happy today’s over.”

“Were you worried?”

“A little. I didn’t want to let them down too much,” she said.

I slipped my arms around her hips. “I think they’re happy to know they raised a strong daughter who, when faced with adversity, can handle it.”

“Stop lying.”

“I’m not. Most rich kids are unequipped to deal with serious stuff because so much has been done for them. I bet your parents are happy to know you’re okay on your own.”

“I’m not really on my own.”

“You took off to France not knowing anyone but your bodyguard. And six months after the attack, you’re here. Give yourself some credit.”

She nodded, her eyes darting away from mine.

I didn’t want her to go to a dark

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