I Just Need You - J. Nathan Page 0,45

urged. “Just like that.”

His words urged me on, and I could feel him thrusting from beneath me. He buried his mouth in the curve of my neck and sucked away at my skin as we moved together, a perfect dance between two no-longer-strangers.

Quivers began to coil around his dick, my body prepared to betray me. “Oh God,” I groaned as the sensations released, rippling out to my limbs. My body shuddered as I rode out the orgasm.

Tristan didn’t stop thrusting from beneath me, harder and deeper until he eventually stilled inside me, groaning against my neck as his own orgasm tore through him.

Our sweaty bodies stayed connected as we held each other, our breathing slowly leveling out and our heartbeats eventually returning to normal.

Oh. My. Freaking. God.

Tristan finally pulled back, his eyes taking in my face. He reached up and tucked strands of hair behind my ears. “Can we stay like this?”

My lips turned up in the corners, so happy he wasn’t regretting this. “Happy? Or connected?”


I smiled, loving this side of him. This Tristan. I leaned forward and kissed his sweaty lips. His dick twitched inside me, and I knew in that moment that he was having no regrets. I pulled back and gazed into his eyes. “Would taking a shower together draw too many questions?”

He laughed. “You think?”

“It’s fine. I want your smell on me anyway.”

“Damn right, you do.”

We eventually broke apart and climbed under my comforter, our clothes strewn across my floor.

Tristan wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest. “You really want to fight every girl who looks at me?”

“You really watch me sleep?”

He nodded. “I love the way your eyelashes brush the tops of your cheeks.”

“They do?”

He reached up and brushed his thumb over the top of my cheeks. “You look so peaceful. Like nothing can touch you while you’re asleep.”

“Nothing can if I know you’re here,” I explained. “If you’re not…well, you know.”

He dropped his lips to mine and kissed me slow, his hands drifting down and around my hips, pulling me flush against him and holding me like he’d never let me go.




Tristan’s words yanked me from a sound sleep—again. His arms were wrapped around me from behind, but I knew he was asleep. His arms twitched as he pulled me closer to him. I couldn’t see his face, but felt the rigidity of his body as the words kept coming. “Please…no…”

I stroked my hand gently over his arm, trying to soothe him.

He startled, his heartbeat slamming against my back as he woke.

“You okay?” I whispered.

His arms dropped away from me, and he quickly rolled over and kicked his legs out from beneath my comforter.

I twisted to see what he was doing.

He sat on the edge of my bed naked with his back to me, running his fingers through his hair. “I fell asleep. Again.”

I sat up, holding the comforter around me and rubbing my hand over his back, trying to ease his mind. “It’s fine.”

He pulled away from my touch. “It’s not fine,” he snapped. “I can’t protect you if I’m asleep.”

I dropped my hand, feeling a sudden hollow in my chest. Was he mad at himself for falling asleep or mad at me for causing him to fall asleep?

He snatched his phone off my desk and checked it. “Fuuuuck,” he said when he read a text on the screen. He stood, quickly gathering his clothes from my floor.

“What’s wrong?”

He ignored me as he stepped into his jeans then tugged his shirt over his head. I waited for him to explain what was going on. Was it the text that upset him or the fact that he’d fallen asleep?

I suddenly couldn’t keep up with his change in moods.

He snatched his holster from my desk. “I’ve gotta go.”

“Go where?”

His eyes cut to mine. They were cold and detached.

The bastard was going to use falling asleep as a reason to push me away. “Don’t do this,” I warned with blood now pulsing in my cheeks.

He moved to the door.

I waited for him to stop and realize that he was overreacting. That he was going to ruin everything by walking out that door. I needed him to turn back around and tell me he was joking. Tell me everything he confessed earlier was the truth. Show me that Tristan.

He grabbed the door knob.

I watched with baited breath.

He paused.

Come on, Tristan. Don’t be a dick.

He twisted back around, but instead of facing me, he walked over to the camera in the corner

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