I Just Need You - J. Nathan Page 0,36

weapon, knowing I could protect myself if I needed to, was a true adrenaline rush—both gratifying and terrifying all wrapped up in one. “Why’d you really take me there today?” I asked Tristan.

He looked at me. “You need to be able to protect yourself.”

“No, I’m serious, Tristan. Why?”

“What happened to your bodyguard in France?” he asked.

I flinched at the mention of Andre, his question sucking the air right out of the car.

“Those men were able to get past him to get to you. Shit happens. I’m no superhero, Kresley. If I get shot, there’s a chance they could get to you.”

“Are you trying to make me feel better or scare the hell out me?”

“I just want you to be prepared for anything.” He looked at me and then to the road. “I’m sure growing up you always thought nothing would happen to you. Like the security your parents required for you was unnecessary. But then it wasn’t.”

I said nothing because he hit the nail on the head. As a teenager, I’d been annoyed by my security, especially since a lot of my friends could come and go as they pleased without having to clear it with anyone.

“And I bet you thought nothing would happen to your bodyguard. But then it did. You need to be prepared.” He leveled me with his eyes. “And now you are.”

I turned to the window and stared out, trying to stop my racing heart from bouncing around in my chest. He’d brought up France and Andre. Two things I tried to never think about. Look where it got me the other night. As soon as I opened up to Tristan about the Frenchman taunting me, images of that horrific night filled my nightmares.

“I’m sorry if this is hard for you to hear,” he continued.

I shook my head before glancing back to him. “Thanks for taking me. It means a lot.”

“Let’s just hope you never need to use your new skills.”

“You mean my new, super-secret, assassin skills?” I said.

He chuckled, the deep sound filling the SUV and easing the tension I’d been feeling since we’d been talking about France. “Let’s not get crazy now.”

“Hey, you’re the one who gave me a gun.”

“To keep under your bed,” he stressed. “Promise me you’ll never take it out unless necessary.”

“You don’t have to worry. Having that thing in my hand terrifies me. I won’t be playing with it any time soon.”


We drove for a little while before I asked, “Did you think I did a good job. You know, for my first time?”

“Yeah. I’d possibly consider having you as my bodyguard in like ten years if you keep up the good work.”

I absorbed the details of his face, and the way his eyes softened at the edges. “Was that a joke? Because I think that was a joke.”

He shrugged.

“Tristan Stone is officially a comedian. Not a very good one. But in maybe ten years or so, he just might bring down the house.”


I wouldn’t lie and say Kresley didn’t make me laugh. Okay, maybe I’d lie to her about it. But, truthfully, she had a great personality for someone who should’ve been in daily counseling or on heavy meds for what she’d endured. And, being around her definitely had its benefits. She smelled great. Had a killer body. And she definitely wasn’t terrible to look at.

Working security definitely hardened a person. You always expected the worst from people, waiting for the next scumbag to come out of the woodwork to pose a threat for your client. So, having a little of Kresley’s femininity rub off on me, making me feel warm in all the right places when most of my life had been dark, hadn’t necessarily been a bad thing.

And did I mention what a complete badass she’d been shooting the gun? She’d gotten bolder as our training session went on, firing at will with confidence in her abilities. And I knew, if she ever needed to handle a gun again, she’d feel more comfortable—at least more comfortable than she’d been when we arrived at the gun range. But I wasn’t delusional enough to think that had cured her of her bad dreams. I knew once we were back at the dorm, she’d be scared to close her eyes. It was such a paradox. One I certainly wasn’t able to explain. But one I knew all too well.

Silence descended upon the car. I was used to her grilling me to get me talking. But she had gotten quiet. And

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