I Just Need You - J. Nathan Page 0,22

of them.

After dinner, I went back to my room to finish homework then I turned on a movie. A few minutes into it, my phone pinged with a text. I grabbed it from beside me.

Hey, Kresley. It’s Chris. Remember me?

I smiled as I responded to his text. Chris? Refresh my memory.

The bouncing dots began. Then his text appeared. Hottest guy at the party Friday night.

I laughed to myself. Hmmmmm. It’s not clicking.

His response came quick. Hell of a dancer.

Me: Were you the one dancing on the bar?

Chris: Come on. You know who I am.

Me: Lol.

Chris: I ended up going home for the rest of the weekend. Sorry I didn’t text sooner.

Me: Why are you sorry?

Chris: I would’ve liked to see you.

I smiled, remembering how much fun we had together Friday night. Spending time with Chris was easy. And I certainly needed a little easy in my life when everything else was so complicated. I’m not going anywhere.

Chris: Not true. You’re going to dinner with me Friday night.

I considered the hoops he’d have to jump through to take me out. My security would have to do a background check, secure the restaurant ahead of time, and follow us on our date. You sure you’re up for that?

Chris: Why wouldn’t I be?

I laughed to myself. I hadn’t considered that I’d have to tell him I had security and all that came with it. But I was twenty-one and pretty damn lonely. So, I responded the way a college girl should respond when asked out by a really nice guy. Sure. Sounds good.

Chris: Do you like Italian food?

Me: Yes.

Chris: Then we’ll go to Fabian’s. They’ve got really good food.

Me: Great. What time?

Chris: 7

Me: I’m in Gorham Hall. I’ll meet you out front at 7.

Chris: Can’t wait!

I placed my phone down beside me. Was I making a huge mistake going out with Chris? Would Marco and Tristan be pissed they’d have extra work to do to prepare for my date? I really needed to stop worrying about inconveniencing them. What was the alternative? Stay locked up like a princess in a castle for fear of troubling them? I hadn’t been lying when I told Tristan that I deserved to have fun. Because I did.

I finished the movie then checked the time on my phone. Midnight. I glanced to my door and noticed the shadow beneath it. A sense of relief washed over me as I climbed under my comforter and closed my eyes, knowing a good night sleep was near.



I slipped into a red wrap dress Friday night that tied on the side. I curled my hair into loose waves and brushed on minimal makeup. I’d had a long meeting with Marco after he did the background check on Chris. He promised to stay out of sight in the restaurant if he could drive us. I wasn’t sure how Chris would feel about having a “driver,” but he agreed. I sort of left off the part that he was actually my bodyguard, telling him only that my parents were crazy overprotective and insisted that I have a driver.

I checked my phone. Five to seven. I grabbed my silver clutch and headed into the hallway. Marco stood there in his black outfit.

“Hi,” I said. “Thanks so much for doing this. I know it probably took some time to set up.”

“It’s my job, ma’am.” He looked me up and down respectfully. “You look nice.”

I clutched my heart. “A compliment? To what do I owe this honor?”

“Smartass,” he grumbled before walking me down the stairs and outside. The car was parked at the curb with Tristan in the driver’s seat.

I looked to Marco. “Wait. You’re not coming?”

He shook his head. “Tristan’s on tonight.”

My heartbeat sped up. This wasn’t how I envisioned the date playing out. Tristan was bound to do or say something to ruin the night. I just knew it. And, that sucked because we were just getting to a better place—at least I thought we were. He was sitting outside my room, for God’s sake. “But I thought…”

Marco stared at me, waiting for me to finish my thought.

I didn’t.

“Have a nice night,” he said as he turned and walked back into the building.

“Kresley,” Chris called.

I spun around to find him walking toward me on the sidewalk. He was wearing khaki pants and a blue button-down shirt.

I smiled. “Hi.”

He glanced to the car. “Is this our ride?”

I nodded.

“Does he open the door for us?” he asked, conspiratorially.

“No.” I went to open the back door knowing

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