I Just Need You - J. Nathan Page 0,15

phone. Now I understood what caused their behavior. “Looks like our escort is ready,” I said to them as I slipped into the hallway. I heard Tristan push off the wall and follow us out of the building.

Once outside, the girls led the way down the sidewalk.

“Woah,” Tristan said.

We all stopped, turning to look at him behind us.

“You’re not walking,” he said.

“It looks like we’re walking,” I said.

He looked to Elodie and Alice. “I’ve got a car.”

“He’s got a car,” Alice said all giddy at the thought of riding in a vehicle with him.

“It’s nice of you to offer,” I said. “But I’m good with walking.”

“Get in the car,” he said, sounding pissed.

“I’m sorry. I think you’ve mistaken me for someone else,” I said, now that he thought he was going to dole out orders in front of other people.

“Nope,” he shot back. “Same high maintenance princess from the bar.”

I sucked in a sharp breath as my blood began to boil. It was one thing to do this in private, but to do it in front of my new friends pissed me off. I stood tall, pulling my shoulders back. “Well, since I’m the boss and am not desperate for a ride, this is how it’s going to play out. I’m going to walk with my friends to a frat party where I plan to get pretty damn drunk. You are more than welcome to follow us there. Or, you can drive the car and meet us there which would probably be welcome later when we can no longer stand up straight. Your call.”

He glared across the space between us, the ticking in his jaw throbbing like the second hand on an old clock.

“Looks like it’s settled.” I spun around, linked my arms with the girls, and walked toward the frat.

“Damn, girl,” Alice whispered. “That was hot.”

“Hot?” I asked quietly.

“The two of you,” Elodie answered.

I groaned and they both laughed as they directed me toward the frat house. It took a good ten minutes to get there with Tristan trailing a few feet behind us. Note to self. Take the ride next time.

Music pounded the pavement beneath our feet as we neared the two-story white house. Lights poured out the black shuttered windows and Greek letters flanked the peak of the roof. From the street, it looked like a packed house.

We walked up the sidewalk and into the open front door. People filled the rooms, and Elodie and Alice waved to those who called out to them. I followed them to the end of the hallway to a door leading downstairs. As soon as we stepped into the basement, we found the source of the loud music and people dancing under the glow of black lights.

“Come on,” Elodie called, leading us to the bar. She must have known the guy running the keg because they chatted briefly, and he got us three cups of beer pretty quickly. We held up our red cups and tapped them together.

“To a wild night,” I said.

“To a wild night,” they repeated with excitement in their eyes.

I tipped back my cup and drained the contents.

“You weren’t kidding,” Alice said once I finished.

I shook my head as I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. “I plan to get very drunk.”

They held up their cups and cheered like I’d done something so much better than chugged my beer.

“It’s been a hell of a first week, and I haven’t really slept. I need something to help me along.”

Elodie tipped back her cup and downed her beer. “Can’t let a girl get drunk by herself.”

I laughed as Alice did the same.

The guy by the keg refilled our cups, and we made our way out onto the dance floor, flailing our arms to the music. We danced to the next few songs and drained our cups.

I sensed someone watching me and turned to my right. A good-looking guy with dark hair and a sexy smirk stared at me. I smiled at him and that’s all it took. He walked out onto the dance floor, moving behind me and placing his hands on my hips. He moved right along with my body to the beat of the song. “I’m Chris,” he said, leaning in with his lips beside my ear.


“You’re beautiful,” he said.

Heat pulsed in my cheeks as I continued dancing, not minding the feel of Chris’ hands on my hips at all. It had been a long time since I’d been in a guy’s arms, and I

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