I Just Need You - J. Nathan Page 0,10

from him and his negative energy. I began to search the numbers on the plaques outside each classroom until I spotted Marco standing outside a classroom at the end of the hallway.

“You two settle your differences?” he asked as I approached.

“That was a set-up?”

He shrugged.

“I don’t like him.”

“He’s a good man to have on your team,” Marco assured me.

“He’s rude.”

“You don’t have to like him. You just need to know he’s looking out for your safety.”

I didn’t respond as I walked into the small classroom of no more than thirty desks. Some students were already there, so I took a seat in the center of the room. Away from the windows and away from the doors. Just inconvenient enough to give Marco time to stop any threat before it got to me.

It was sad I’d been taught things like that early on. Sad that my father’s real estate business—the one that made him one of the richest real estate moguls in the world—had caused such chaos in my life. I didn’t ask to be brought up in a rich family. I didn’t need the big house, fancy cars, or private jet. I just wanted to be like everyone else. But I knew as much as I wanted to be like everyone else, I wasn’t. I was someone’s shortcut to fortune if they could get to me. So, as long as I stayed safe, they wouldn’t win.

The chatter of students around me caused me to glance around at all the unfamiliar faces in the classroom. Most of them seemed to already know each other or at least have a friend in the class. That’s what happened when you transferred. You started all over again. At least I’d met Elodie and Alice who’d adopted me as their own.

I pulled up my schedule on my phone and a campus map. I needed to know which way to go when class ended so I didn’t need to rely on Tristan. I wasn’t helpless, desperate, or high maintenance. And the sooner he learned that, the sooner he and I could coexist.


I stepped into the hallway after class en route to my accounting class across the quad. I followed the flow of students hurrying out of the building. I knew Tristan was nearby, but didn’t give him the satisfaction of a glance.

“Kresley!” someone called.

My head whipped around in the direction of the voice.

“Hey,” I said, grateful to see Elodie’s familiar face.

“How was your first class?” she asked, walking alongside me while I assumed Tristan followed us.

“Not bad. Yours?”

“Well, as a chem major, I’m in science labs all day. So, if science is your idea of fun, it’s been great.”

I laughed. “Where you headed?”

She hitched her thumb toward the building to our right. “Most of my classes are in there. But I do have a break for lunch at noon if you’d like to meet up.”

“Sure. Where?”

She pointed to a building across the way with a tall flagpole in front of it. “I’ll meet you inside at twelve.”

“Sounds good.”

We parted ways, and I made it to my accounting class with minutes to spare. Marco already stood outside the classroom.

“All clear,” he said as I moved past him.

“Thanks,” I said, before stepping inside the classroom. This one was bigger than my first class and had tables instead of desks with two stools at each. I took a seat at an empty table in the center of the room.

A guy with dreadlocks who smelled of patchouli oil walked over and placed his hand on the stool beside me. “Is anyone sitting here?”

I shook my head. “You are now.”

He smiled as he slipped onto the stool. “I’m Jeff.”


“Cool name.”


The professor walked in. Her navy pant suit was designer, and her shoulder length gray hair was perfectly straight.

“I hear this class is a killer,” Jeff whispered.


“I also hear there’re a lot of collaborative assignments which means you may be stuck with me for the semester.”

I flashed him a small smile and class began.

An hour later, my head spun with an impending headache. I struggled with math, but since accounting was a requirement, I needed to suck it up and try my best. It wasn’t like my parents were on me about my grades. Hell, they would’ve been happy if I stayed home and helped with my dad’s business. They never pushed me to get a degree. That was what I wanted.

“Where you headed next?” Jeff asked as we walked out of class together.

I caught sight of Tristan out of the corner

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