I Am Number Four - Pittacus Lore Page 0,10

my eyes on the floor.

“Your jobs are simple. You’ll each lead infiltration squads and find these Loric-powered humans. Our recon officer will supply you with leads. You have whatever resources you need available to you. Though, remember: we’re to uphold the ‘peace’ we promised to the cities who don’t resist us.” He shows off a row of gray teeth. “Keep your mayhem in the dark.”

“Sir!” we all say in unison.

He makes for the door, telling us that more information will be given to us soon and that our squads have already been chosen. They are awaiting our orders. He’s about to step into the hallway when he stops.

“One more thing,” he says, turning back to us. “It’s crucial that the subjects are alive when you bring them back.” He pauses for a moment, shrugging. “Anyone who stands in your way is expendable. Now, you’re dismissed. Get back down to the barracks and begin your preparations. I want you deployed as soon as the recon officer shares her intel with you.”

When the door closes behind him, I grin. I can’t help it.

Humans with Loric powers. I don’t really know how that’s possible, and I don’t care. I don’t have to understand. All I know is that I have a mission. I’m back in the fight, and no prey will escape me.

It’s time to go hunting.


A FEW HOURS AFTER THE CAPTAIN IS DONE WITH us, the recon officer sends a list of names and locations to each squad leader’s tablet. We divide the targets based on location. I assemble my men. They talk quietly to each other. I don’t join in or bother to figure out who is who. It doesn’t matter what they call themselves—I’ll learn their names when they’re telling stories of our victories in the future. When they’ve proven themselves. All these troops have to do is follow my orders. And they will. It’s what we were born to do, what will win his favor.

Hail our Beloved Leader! Forever may he reign!

Our first target is a teenager in a wealthy suburb north of Chicago who has been talking on some form of internet media about how he just made his computer float across the room. There are a few photos pulled from his web profile that I can use to identify him. We load up a Skimmer with weapons, restraints, and syringes full of a sedation compound, just in case these humans are able to use their newfound powers with any sort of skill. Then we head to the boy’s home, where the messages originated, according to the IP address. It’s far enough away from the city proper that they must think they’re safe. That we might overlook them.

Stupid humans. As if our reach didn’t span this entire galaxy.

The street is tucked away and quiet, full of big houses on big plots of land. The mansion we’re going to is at the end of a cul-de-sac. Secluded. Still, we take out a few power lines before landing, killing the streetlights. Combined with our stealth shielding, it makes for a fairly quiet approach.

We tread silently, the four troops following my lead. There are dim lights moving in the windows of the house. The orange glow of candles and the intense white of flashlights and battery-operated electronic devices. The people inside are likely confused, scared.

Just how we want them.

The front door is large and thick hardwood. It’s a narrow entryway for my squad, so I motion to my left, and they follow me around the side of the house, where floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors look in on a large room. There’s a woman standing inside. She’s lighting tall candles in some sort of centerpiece on a side table. Her eyebrows are knit together, forming deep grooves as she moves from one wick to the next.

She sees us a moment before one of my troops throws a huge cement planter through the glass door, shattering it. The woman barely gets a chance to scream before our blasters open fire. She falls quickly, knocking the long candles over as she goes down. They ignite a piece of cloth laid across the table, lighting up the room with warm flames.

A small smile spreads across my lips.

“Find him,” I grunt, and my men move.

The house is too big, with too many places to hide. Fortunately, most of the people inside come rushing to us, trying to figure out what broke the glass. Why the woman screamed. There are more humans than I’d anticipated. Maybe

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