Hypocritically Yours - Hayley Faiman Page 0,99

and grandchildren.”

I snort, then let out a bark of laughter at his words.

“What?” he asks, standing up straight and crossing his arms over his chest in an attempt to look offended or something of the like.

Licking my bottom lip, I lift my hand and run my palm over my beard, tugging on the end as I watch my son. He’s in love with Bethie, but he doesn’t want to admit it and the longer he hurts her, the less likely that she will accept him back. I can’t tell him any of that though, this is something that he has to figure out on his own, all I can do is attempt to guide him.

“I don’t have any grandchildren, Laurent. And it doesn’t look like I’ll have any, anytime soon. None of you are in a serious relationship, probably a fault of mine. But to answer your question. Yes, I plan on raising Holden. I also plan on marrying Tennessee and adopting him as my own.”

“Dad,” he hisses.

I hold up my hand to prevent him from saying anything else, something that will no doubt make me think less of him if he voices it.

“Do not be so blinded by money, by greed, and assumed status that you will say something that you might regret. My company will go to the three of you, in thirds. It is written, signed, and sealed. I do not plan on changing that at all. My personal estate however will be divided equally among all of my children and once Holden is officially mine, that will include him, along with any other children Tennessee and I have together.”

“Any other children?” Laurent whispers.


“You’re going to have more children with her?” he snaps.

I shake my head once. “Not that it’s your business, but yes, I would like to have children with her.”

“You’re sixty-two, that’s irresponsible.”

“Probably. But then again, you’re not really one to lecture me on being a responsible man, are you?”

“I can’t agree with this,” he says ignoring my dig.

Arching a brow, it’s my turn to give him a cocky smirk. “You don’t have to, Laurent. This is my life and believe it or not, I am an adult.”

He takes a step back, then just when I think that he’s going to storm out of my office, he lets out a huff and sinks down in the chair. I watch and he buries his face in his hands, then lifts it to look at me.

“I don’t know what to do.”

“Whatever it is you choose, have it be your life you worry about, not mine,” I snort.

His lips curve up into a grin and he jerks his head. “Yeah, but let it be known, I still think having more kids with her is a bad idea. But I won’t say anything else about it.”



Inhaling a deep breath, I look over at Landry. Thankfully, because of the circumstances, Bash filed to go straight to trial and when he did, he did it all as an emergency with extenuating circumstances.

The other attorney didn’t bat an eyelash, probably because Susan wants this done as soon as possible so the bitch can gloat. The divorce is final in just one week, seven days, so I’m sure that she thinks she’s going to fuck Landry over one last time.

Landry reaches for my hand, lacing his fingers with mine and squeezing. I want to scream, I want everyone to know my side, my story, and I want the judge to agree with me in everything. However, I also know that this isn’t a normal circumstance and I honestly have no idea how it will go.

The entire trial is a blur, even the point where I go on the stand and talk about what happened to me. Aaron is sitting next to Susan’s hired attorney, but I can’t even look at him. Instead, I keep my gaze focused on Landry’s the entire time.

He smiles softly, giving me encouraging nods the entire time. I couldn’t do any of this without him. Then, when Aaron’s attorney starts to ask me questions, I brace myself. Bash already told me that he would make it all sound like I was just a girl who regretted a one-night stand, but when he actually does this, it still surprises me.

“Isn’t it true you spent the entire evening with Mr. Anderson. You drank quite a bit that night, didn’t you?” he asks.

Nodding my head. I agree with him. “I did, but I didn’t drug myself. I didn’t hold my legs open

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